Chapter 27

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Midoriya was crying in the bathroom stall. He had failed, he won't get noticed by the pros, he won't win the Sports Festival, and he had broken his promise to All Might. The green and black haired boy dried his tears, this was no time wallow. Standing up, he left his stall, and excited the bathroom. Even if he lost, he still gets a chance to witness the other's battles and quirks.
Midoriya walked through the halls, passing Gon and Killua, who were outside. He had glanced at the boys, Gon looked worried, while Killua's expression was blank. He wondered what was wrong, but went along with his day.
"Midoriya," a flat voice said. The teen turned around to meet the white and red haired teen.
"Oh, hi Todoroki," he greeted.
"I know your secret," Todoroki said, looking into the boy's eyes. The other's eyes grew wide in disbelief.
"W-what do you mean?! I don't have a secret, and if I do..," Midoriya muttered in worry. He tried changing the topic, but Todoroki only looked at him with a knowing look.
"Midoriya I know." Midoriya waved his arms around still trying to prove him otherwise, especially with Gon and Killua behind them. The two teens looked over at the small scene.
"That you're All Might's secret love child," he blurted out. Midoriya, Gon, and Killua all froze.
"Huh?" Midoriya soon realized what he had just said.
"W-WHAT?! NO, no, no, no, no you got it all wrong! You see me and All Might aren't related at all!" Midoriya was a blushing red mess, arms waving around two times faster than before.
"It's alright, you don't need to hide this secret from me," Todoroki said, closing his eyes.
"I also know Gon is your brother, but was placed under Aizawa's watch, because he wanted a child of his own. While Killua was adopted into your family, for he too has a tragic backstory. I also know they have a forbidden love, that I will support nonetheless! It doesn't matter if they are family! Love can come in all shapes and sizes!" Todoroki turned around, eyes closed, and hands on his chest. Killua's face turned lava red, processing his words.
"Hey! Listen up here! I'm not apart of his family and I'M NOT DATING ANYONE!!!" Killua roared out, electricity buzzing around him. Gon was on the floor, head tilted, and smoke escaping his ears.
"L-l-l-l-love?" Gon stuttered out.
"Family?!" Midoriya yelled. Killua charged at Todoroki, not realizing what he was doing.
'Get rid of him, what he says are all lies. You don't love that idiot.'
"TAKE THAT BACK! I WOULD NEVER LOVE AN IDIOT LIKE HIM!" Killua screamed out, trying to punch the other boy. Todoroki's eyes widen, dodging the punch, while Gon began to tear up.
'He's worthless you're don't need him.'
"Why would I like a worthless nobody that has no use to me?" Killua growled out, side kicking Todoroki. The other boy flung to the side, crashing into the wall. He slowly looked up at his classmate, no, the beast, that was approaching. The amount of bloodlust being leaked, suffocating him. Killua trapped the boy by strangling him by his neck, he arched out his arm back, readying himself to punch.
'Kill him. Don't you see in the end you'll always betray the ones closest to you.' Killua reminded silent, eyes dark, and filled with pure rage.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" A stern voice shouted, walking up to the group of students.
"Killua, stop that this instant, or I'm afraid I'll have to put you under arrest," Aizawa said, sending bandages to restrain the teen. He was shocked, but eventually calmed down. He looked around seeing Midoriya cowering in fear, Todoroki bleeding from scratches, and Gon, his best friend, crying in heart break.
"I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," Killua fell to his knees, fingers digging into his head. Clear tears began to drop, slowly coming down faster. The teen repeated his words, voice mimicking the sound of a broken record stuck on repeat. Gon slowly crawled towards Killua. Aizawa was about to stop him, but Gon raised his hand, signaling for him to stay.
"Hey, Killua. It's okay, I forgive you, even if what you said and did was really mean. I know you didn't mean it, right? You didn't mean it did you?" Gon teared up, voice cracking, and slowly embracing the other. Killua only began crying more, repeating his words faster. He clung onto his friend, not wanting him to let go. Aizawa sighed, looking at the tv in the end of the hall. The final event had already began and the crowd was cheering happily.
"Midoriya, take Todoroki to Recovery Girl?" Aizawa commanded. Midoriya nodded his head, quickly helping Todoroki up, and together the left without a word. Aizawa sighed, looking at the two crying boys in front of him. Killua had stopped talking, but was still a sobbing mess.
"Alright you two, lets get going. Killua's match is going to begin soon," he explained, crouching down next to the teens, and hugging them tightly.
"Everything is going to be okay."
"Hey, where's Killua? Isn't his match up next?" Kaminari pointed out. Kirishima shrugged, looking back down at the fight. Pony, from class B, and Shiozaki, also from class B, were battling.
"I hope everything is okay, Midoriya, Gon, and Todoroki aren't here. Not even Aizawa who is supposed to be a speaker," Ashido sighed in worry. Alluka eavesdrop on the nearby students.
"I-is Onii-Chan okay?" Alluka mumbled out, looking down at her feet. She was extremely nervous and worried. Nanika too began shivering in fear of what had happened to her brother.
"WOW! What an amazing finale attack! Pony had sent her horns flying out to cut her free and pushed Shiozaki out of bounds! Isn't that amazing?!" Present Mic yelled out. People cheered louder, waving their arms in the air. Everyone was now talking to each other, waiting for the arena to be repaired for the next battle.
"Onii-Chan hasn't appeared at all yet," Alluka said, frowning. One of the students near Alluka noticed her sad face.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Jiro asked, leaning against the wall that separated them.
"Onii-Chan isn't here yet," Alluka cried out. Jiro's eyes widen in shock, not knowing how to handle the crying kid. Asui noticed this, standing up, and walking over to the girl.
"Hey, don't worry, kero. I'm sure your brother will be here soon!" She said, warmly smiling. Alluka nodded, drying her tears. The two girls than began talking about many things, mainly about how amazing Alluka's brother was. Just like that, the next battle had begun.
"Sorry everyone, but the next battle has been postponed to the next battle, something unexpected happened," Present Mic reported. Alluka started to shiver more.
"But, for now, our next battlers will be Gon and Todoroki!" Present Mic announced. The crowd cheered as the two students walked in. Todoroki has recovered and Gon was finally calm again.
     "This shall be an interesting match! Are you all ready? LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" Present Mic yelled.
     "I'm sorry, but I want to get this battle over with," Todoroki said, forming a large amount of ice to trap Gon. The ice formed above the stadium, almost freezing the watchers as well.
     "W-w-woah, that'sss a l-lot of ice!" Present Mic commented, shivering in place. Gon looked around with his eyes, seeing Todoroki had used almost all his power on this one move. The boy smirked, using Ken, the defense form of Ren, to destroy the ice sounding him. Gon broke free, punching, and kicking any remaining ice on him. Todoroki's eyes widen, watching the boy hop down from the ice mountain.
     "WHAAA! Gon escaped that mountain of ice like it was nothing! This boy really is on another level!" Present Mic yelled.
     "That wasn't really a good idea," Gon thought out loud, looking at the almost frost bite Todoroki. The other clenched his teeth, forming more ice to push him away. Gon quickly dodged the attack, grabbing a part of the ice wall, and breaking a piece off. Todoroki one again shot more ice, but Gon kept dodging, even throwing some of the broken ice back at him.
     "It seems Todoroki has became desperate! He's shooting ice everywhere!"
     "Stop moving," Todoroki growled, getting frustrated. Gon had not used his quirk at all yet and Todoroki refused to lose by that.
     "Lemme think," Gon said, actually thinking if he should stop moving or not. Todoroki shivered, ice crawling all over his body, mainly the right side.
     "You know, you could probably win if you used your fire," Gon pointed out, hopping a few meters away from Todoroki.
     "But it seems you're to stubborn to realize that," Gon said, getting ready to charge an attack.
     "I'll never use my left side! I'll refuse my father and only win using my mother's quirk!" Todoroki yelled out. Gon just raised his eyebrow in confusion, looking at Todoroki.
     "What's he got to do with this? Isn't this your fight? Isn't that your quirk?" Gon asked. Todoroki stared at Gon, ignoring his words for now.
     "Show me rock:," an orange aura surrounded Gon's fist.
     "Woah, this is strange! A lot of wind is suddenly appearing!"
     "Rock, Paper," Gon said, running towards Todoroki. The other formed ice in front of him, and behind, not knowing what will happen. Taking note of this, Gon formed his fist into his scissors form.
     "SCISSORS!" Gon finished off, cutting the ice, and even part of Todoroki's uniform. After doing that, Gon quickly punched the other in the stomach, shooting him up. Gon jumped up using the ice, and side kicked Todoroki out of bounds.
     "It seems the winner of this match goes tooooo, GON!" Present Mic yelled out. The crowd cheered and Alluka spun in joy. Gon looked over at Todoroki, extremely frustrated that his first battle was against someone only using half their strength. Than again, Gon didn't use all his power either.
     "It's Killua vs Shinso, what will become of this battle?!" Alluka looked over at the student seats, looking at Gon.
     "Hey, hey, hey, hey," Alluka whispered, trying to get the other's attention. Gon turned to look at the girl, smiling widely.
     "Hi Alluka!" He chirped. Alluka waved and looked back at the arena.
     "Is Onii-Chan okay?" Alluka asked.
     "He's uh, yeah," Gon mumbled out, looking away. The girl tilted her head, but ignored her friend once she saw her brother enter the arena.
     "Alright everyone, the battle begins now!" Killua stepped out to the arena, looking at his opponent. The opponent looked right back at him.
     "Alright let's get this over with," Killua said, getting ready to run towards the other.
     "Hey, can you tell me, what's it like in Class 1-A?" Shinso asked, finger in his ear. Killua stopped moving, confused as to why he would ask that.
     "Uh, I do-," Killua froze, unable to talk, and unable to move.
     "Step out of bounds," Shinso commanded, watching the other. 'What's going on? Why can't I control my body? Is this his doing or is it Illumi's? No, I don't want to be controlled again, no, no,' Killua mentally panicked. The white haired boy began moving. It was quite, he can't hear anyone's voice, but Shinso's and his brother's.
     'Killua, what are you doing? Don't move any farther.' The boy continued walking.
     'Killua, listen to me.' He had no control. Killua's eyes remained blank, his thoughts empty, he felt like a puppet, used, and later on discarded. The teen's face dripped with tears, he was out of bounds, but that didn't matter, he only wanted to be free, and to never be controlled again.
     Killua turned around, staring down at the purple haired teen, eyes dark, face emotionless, and fingers sharpened.
     "SHINSO WON! That wasn't really a battle, but hey, that was cool!" The booming voice snapped Killua out of his thoughts. The boy looked around in confusion, than at his feet.
     "Dran it," he said, looking at Shinso.
     "Whatever, you win, congrats," Killua jogged up to Shinso, hand stretched out. The other teen looked at the hand confused, but eventually shook it. The two teens looked at eachother, smiling.
Have this chapter that I'm not sure of, like really, I don't think I wrote the battles very well. I'll go research on how to write fights, also maybe learn actual fighting styles to help me write. Sorry it's quite late in the day, a lot of things happened, but I finally got my glasses, and dang does the world finally look clear. I can finally play video games with my siblings without having to move the couch closer to the tv. I think I'm going to take a week long break, just so I have time to do the things I want, and also write chapters without rushing them out. Also, reread chapter 25, if you hadn't noticed yet I added onto that chapter, edited, and changed some things up on that one. I did the same to chapter 26, but it's quite a small change, still should reread it though because I added a few things in there. Well I'll see you all next Monday or Wednesday. I'm going to try my best to take a break and not send all the chapters out, no matter how much I want to. Gotta keep myself mentally stable after all and eat more....and fix my sleeping schedule... Alright good bye!
AH almost forgot! Thank you @EvilAngle_666 for the edit, I appreciate it very much, and I love it! Here's the edit:

 Alright good bye!AH almost forgot! Thank you @EvilAngle_666 for the edit, I appreciate it very much, and I love it! Here's the edit:

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