Chapter Twenty-One ~ Hold myself together (Raines P.O.V)

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Raine watched Shockz and Neon fight,he was wuute impressed and scared at the same time. But he kept have to pull back Kein because he was trying to reach out and the guards kept telling him that they would hurt him if he kept doing it.

A f t e r the fight *scrreeech*

Both Neon and Shockz were pretty beat up,Neon got the worst of it as Shockz broke his arm. She didn't look to good after the fight though,she looked pretty guilty and torn up. Raine still felt a unbelievable sadness about Vendaals disappearance,he heard a small voice from the bars coming from outside "Hello?" He whispered. Since it was night,the person handed him somehing through the bars..a picklock! Raine quietly thanked the person and tried to pick the lock open multiple times,till finnally click! The metal band was off him. He woke Shockz and got hers off,she used her magic to remove the rest of the gangs. She then teleported them all at the front of the base again..Raine glanced at everyone's reactions to their base,only for it to be destroyed and bombed..Kein was shaking,Neon was about to cry/yell,Shockz was surprised,Myso was just frozen in place and Frostbite just glanced at the base then leaned against a tree. Raine was quite surprised too,"D-do we look for a new pl-place?" Kein asked "Maybe..." Shockz responded. Kein suddently looked like he wanted to burst into tears,Raine went up to him "You alright?" Raine asked "I-im fine.." Kein awnserd,Raine called Kein a little liar jokingly but that seemed to make Kein close to crying "C'mon,you can tell me" Raine playfully elbowed Kein "I-im...I'm al-alright.." Kein stuttered  he would probably rather talk to Neon about it to be real.. Raine thought "I'll leave ya to it then" Raine told him and left Kein alone.

[Extra P.O.V] *Neons P.O.V*

Neon noticed Raine trying to talk to Kein,knowing Kein he will probably only spill the beans to himself so he went over to Kein and asked what was wrong "Just...memories.....if you would even consider it that...." Kein awnserd quietly. Kein and Neon said they would enter that base to get anything usefull,they got to the top part and talked for bit whislt they searched. It was only then Neon realized that they were holding hands again,after they both realized they let go and they both had a small laugh about it. They got a few things then left,then the group set off to find somewhere to settle down for the night. They found a cave that was like it was almost built to be used,its middle was like a giant living room with a small pond in the middle,there is a cave that tunnels up into another kind of room and multiple other things. "I call top place!" Neon and Kein said at the same time "You go ahead and have it" Kein told him "there is probably enough room for both of us" Neon said and gave him a smile then climbed up the tunnel. Which was kinda tricky,but fun at the same time,it was only then he realized it was kinda like it had a window. With an open gap.

At dusk

Kein and Frostbite went out to grab some twigs,vines and other things. To make a fire and to cover the place so they wouldn't get caught,once they came back they had barely anything but Shpckz jumped in and multiplied it all and then set it over alk the holes so it went comepketely dark,she then teleported outside and used her magic to make some touch ups. She teleported inside and said "Welp,it looks really blent in so we are good" and she smiled and they made a fire. They all talked for a bit,but Kein was unsually quiet which was fine.

[Extra P.O.V] *Kein's P.O.V*

Kein stayed quiet whilst everyone talked,he kept getting flashbacks everytime something was close to what already happened to him,and he knew if he talked he would stutter so much they would probably realize somthing was wrong until Kein would finnally point out he was practically broken. He enjpyed listening to the others stories though. "Then a friend of mine comes in and sees this mess and oh my lord do they explode" Neon said "I've never seen him so angry! It was all because another friend spilled some popcorn and his cat got a small crumb " he finished "Do you got any stories or somthing Kein? You have been awfully quiet" Frostbite asked "N-n-no" Kein stuttered "B-" Raine was cut off by Neon "Thats fine,well ima check outside to see how dark it is yet" Neon got up and checked "Yeah,i can't see a thing..sleep tight because im going to go sleep" Neon remarked, climbing up the thing. "I-i thin-k im go-going too.." Kein agreed,following Neon. Once he made it up there he lyed down peacefully,the ground was cold and hard but Kein was used to cold hard ground..

At 1:23 Am when everyone was asleep

Kein heard a voice,then another he opened his eyes and yawned "You awake?" Neon whispered " i am.." Kein whispered back "You should see outside.." Neon said quietly,thats when Kein realized he was and the opening of their part of the cave,Kein got up and looked outside "An aurora.." he muttered "Its pretty,isn't it?" Neon whispered to Kein "Yeah..." Kein mumbled back,"I'd never thought I'd get to see one...if my parents caught me doing this...damn i would not be even able to walk to school I'd be in so much pain...." Kein mumbled sadly,then realized he'd just said that infront of someone---well not just someone,his friend Neon ..

☆Normal P.O.V☆ Raines P.O.V

Raine woke up and heard small movement,he didn't care though. He just stayed lying down on the ground..

In the morning of (doooom)

It was morning,everyone was awake. Myso and Shockz went to go find something to snack on if that was even possible now,Raine sighed and started a small chat with Kein,Neon and FrostBite. The only one that was really into the conversation was Neon,Kein would say something and stutter. Which Raine didn't really mind but it was kinda hard to understand him. And Frostbite just didn't seem to care,he would talk..just little things like 'Nice' or 'Greeeaaat' which was kinda annoying. Raine noticed Kein flinch for no reason....why?

To be continued

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