Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Leave (Kein's P.O.V)

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(Note: im focusing more on Kein and neon so ima skip the others until dis drama done)

"GET OUT!" Kein yelled,he shoved Neon out of his room and Neon entered again. Neon grabbed the small knife that Kein had in his room,and dried blood was all over it. Kein took it out of Neons hand "I was gonna say sorry but then i see that?!" Neon yelled staring at the knife and the bits of dried blood on the floor. "What?! Did you expect me to accept your empty apology?" Kein cried "What did you want to see?! This?!" Kein yelled and stabbed the knife in his arm,blood dripped from it "No! Stop!" Neon yelled back,trying to grab the knife. Kein pulled it out himself. Finally Neon got it out of Kein's hands "Give that back!" He yelled "No,i dont want you to hurt yourself!" Kein noticed the others were watching from afar Kein got the knife back and threw Neon out his room,Neons Arm hit the door and his head hit the doorway. He slammed the door shut and used his magic so no one could come in.

[Extra P.O.V] *Neon's P.O.V*

Pain overwhelmed him. And he got up in pain,he should have left Kein alone. Look what he got himself into,he started to get a headache. He started walking downstairs to the first floor,he didn't even say 'excuse me'and he bumped into the others whilst walking,he went outside and then burst into tears.

[Normal P.O.V] Kein's P.O.V

Kein felt horrible for hurting Neon. But he also felt anger,and confused. And everything. Someone knocked,great,time for lecture behind a door "Get lost!" He yelled. "Why in gods name did you hurt Ne-" Kein cut off Raine "I'll hurt you if you don't go away" he mumbled,he heard a sigh then they left.

-7 hours later-

Kein finally left his room,no one would look him in the eye. Or talk to him,he saw Neon. But he wouldn't even look at him or talk to him,he sat in silence for days. Finally a voice that would talk "Hey.." said Myso,Kein looked away without saying a thing. "I know you're going through rough times with Neon,and i know you hur-" Kein cut Myso off "I don't wanna hear it" he then walked away. Neon glanced at him and asked "Can i atleast talk to you?" Kein took and deep breath in then out "Maybe when people will stop mentioning what i did" he said,continuing walking. He went outside,he liked the rain so he was atleast enjoying something. Neon came outside and scared Kein by accident,making his magic flare and he summoned a sword and his eyes were on colour,the two marks below his eyes were glowling,his eyes were glowing to. The sword was pointed at Neons neck "..." Kein would make the magic go away "Come on,just talk to me" Neon said,putting his hand on Keins shoulder. Kein grabbed Neon's hand and took it off his shoulder "Stop. For all i know I'll hurt you again." Kein told Neon "You wont.." Neon replied "Wanna bet?" Kein snapped at Neon,Neon sighed "I know you're not because its easy to see you're guilty about it,just talk to me,atleast something-" Kein cut Neon off "Just leave me alone" Kein told him "Kein-" Kein cut off Neon "Just LEAVE me ALONE!" but he also had a feeling,a burst of anger,his magic flared and he spun around and cut Neon with the magic knife on the chest. Blood splattered on Kein and it dripped down Neons chest,Kein scowled,forgetting this was his friend. He made the knife dissapear and he walked away.

 He made the knife dissapear and he walked away

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[Extra P.O.V] *Neons P.O.V*

Pain overflowed him,everytime he thought he saw Kein use his magic more pain came to him,tears filled to his eyes in pain and he fell to the ground,one hand holding his chest. Myso came outside and helped Neon up "What happened?" Myso asked,Neon saw Kein use his magic again,more pain. "K-Kein...i tried to talk to him but he got mad and...cut me w-with a magic..knife t-thing" Neon stammered. "Just leave Kein alone,he still needs time to chill. I know you're probably sorry but forcing something on him can hurt both of you" Myso told him,Neon sighed.

[Normal P.O.V] Kein's P.O.V

Kein still didn't relize what he'd done,he was at at a place he usually came to,nice,calm and where the others didn't know about it. He inhaled angerliy,he didn't notice a small rodent and he crushed it under his foot by accident. He lifted his foot and saw the blood,he kicked it into the forest and sighed. All his emotions started to overwhelm him and he started shaking slightly and lump formed in his throat,he started to relize what happened and he burst into tears. His thoughts just kept going
You just hurt your best friend
Look what you've done
His Ptsd kicked in
'Look what you've drawn' his sister scoffed,then picked it up and out of Kein's hands 'wait! Its no-' she ripped it to shreds,he jabbed a coloured pencil into her hand and blood spilled from it,she ran to mother crying. His mother stormed over and he backed into the wall 'Why did you do this?!" She yelled at him,showing the bloody coloured pencil. 'S-She ripped my drawing Mrs..' he stammered "You're a fu**ing phsyco!' She yelled at him,tears started to drive down Kein's face. 'What kind of idiot would hurt my daughter?!' She punched him in the gut,he slid down from standing to grasping his stomache in pain. She made him stand up again,he started shaking "I-im sorry.." he mumbled,feeling regretful he was thrown into a wall and punched many times till it was finished. His mother left and he was left sobbing on the ground....

Kein heard something "You alright?" Asked someone
Whos this?
He thought,turning around.
He didn't expect to see this person.

To be continued...

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