Chapter Twenty-five ~ Problems (Kein's P.O.V)

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Kein looked around the dry forest and sighed angerliy,he didn't think he lash out all because Raine was triggering memories..

"Ha,look at him! I don't even think he should be in grade eight..if he went back to kindergarten he would never pass he would be so stupid!"

"He's shaking,look at him...pathetic."

Kein remembered those as clear as day,but then one memory hit him..

"Mo-mother!" Kein sheepishly said,backing into a wall. Blood dripped from his mouth "You can't even fight back!" She yelled at him "And didn't you say once you wanted to be an artist? Well tough luck because your art is so bad its worse than a toddlers! Pathetic." She said fiercely punching him in the gut "P-put me for a-adoption then i-if you hate m-me.." Kein mumbled,tears dragging down his face from the pain "Lucky me,your father doesnt want to get rid of you because 'We would look suspicious getting rid of a kid with bruises and he'd be crying to. That kid can barely take a flick,get rid of him and one of us will probably go to jail wih his shape' damn by now i would have put you up for adoption or thrown you on the street if your father let me" She said,going into his room and seeing a paper that he started to draw on before his mother burst in and he saw his sister with a crap eating grin on her face. She picked uo the drawing,it was a bird flying. It was hyper realistic so it took Kein weeks to make,she grabbed it "You call this art?!" She ripped in in half and dropped it,Kein stared at the remains of the drawing after his mother left him alone. He went in his room and cried for the rest of the night..

Kein hated that memory..he sighed realizing that his sister and mother were dead now..which was better anyways. Koi-his brother,he rarely saw him. But Kein absolutely loved his brother,he was the one that made his days better. Until he left for his own life,and now he only sees Koi atleast once a year. But he can't anymore,for all Kein knew he could be dead from the war.
That thought made Kein choke up,he could never handle losing his brother. He sat down on the cool grass and throught for a bit,he wanted to remember more of his joyous moments but he couldn't anymore..he burst into tears and took his scarf off again.
He quietly looked at it,tears streaming down his face. "Goddamn scarf...i never wanted a stupud damn scarf in the first place until those goddamn people came along.." He lightly traced the scar on his neck. It was night at those point and it was so dark his eyes seemed to glow,he made everything around him light and he peacfully fell asleep..

Morning (of doom)

Kein woke up and yawned,he'd atleat got a decent sleep..he heard footsteps and stood up,removing his magic to make his area lighter. He then quickly tied his scarf on,he held his breath then saw a flicker of movement i know who that goddamn person is.. Kein thought,moving towards it "Hi" he said,making Neon jump "Looking for food im guessing?" He asked,Neon loojed a littke surprised that he was talking "Yeah...and for you" Neon replied slowly "I'll help,but im not coming back" he told Neon,Neon agreed and they went searching. Kein saw a skinny hare and used his magic to pick it up "Don't worry,i can kill it" he said to Neon,knowing that Neon didn't like killing things. Kein quickly killed it with his magic and held it,his hand wrapped around Neons and Neons hand gripped his back. They walked along looking for food,Kein let go when he was digging through an old trash. "Ew.." a bit of rotten food caught on his fingers and he wiped it off. "Nothing anyways." Kein said,handing the dead hare with his other hand then Kein said "You done o-" Kein got cut off by Neon "Yes,i am",Kein used his magic to teleport Neon back to the others but Neon quickly grabbed Kein so Kein tleported back with Neon.

[Extra P.O.V] Neons P.O.V

Neon was back at their place and he set down the food,he thought the others noticed that he was blushing for a second. Probably because Neon accidentally grabbed Keins hand when he grabbed Kein to teleport him back too. Well probably Raine,he sat down and Raine said "Ooo,do we got love-" "Nope,nope Shut the hell up" Neon cut him off,he used his fire magic to engolf the hare in flames so it was atleast safer to eat now. He cut it open,almost regurgitating everytime. He got a few bits of meat and ate them,the others did the same. "SI bet you and Kei ar-" Neon cut off Raine again "Nothing happened" He told Raine "Well then why were you holding Keins hand?" Raine asked "Do you finnally know your specia-" Raine got cut off again "" Neon told him "Kein & Neon sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love th-" Raine was cut off by Neons sharp look of daggers.

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