Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Memories

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(Yeet ok. This chapter is more about what Kein is remembering,as sHeT happened. Soooooooooo e also when i do something like 'this' it means he's thinking- and yes it has some other bits and peices-)

Kein inhaled sharply. His stomache churned with a painfull hunger,he was always shaking,from hunger and the overwhelming fear of being in his own home. Any second he could be hurt by someone,as he'd almost been beat to death before. He held his right arm with his hand,he was in pain there too. He checked under his palm and blood was still there. But most likely it was dried up,he got up and left his room. He sat down on the floor,he wasn't allowed to sit on the couch. His sister-or the oldest sibling Shine walked past him,she was holding something,it looked like a snack "W-whats that?" Kein asked her sheepishly "Something you'll never get to try" She snapped back "Why would you ever even decide to talk to me? You know i don't give one crap about you" She said,mother was there so Kein suspected that was why,he knew Shine didn't know who's side to go on,the moron,always beat up and can't fight back kid or the abusive mother. Kein knew mother enjoyed to hear her children pick on the one child she hated. ' Why did he have to be the one hated? Why couldn't it be his other sister Sara? She was almost the same as Kein,just a little lighter of skin.  Maybe mother only liked girls.
Or maybe it was how they looked.
Kein didn't like either of those things. He wasn't ugly...or distorted..or was he? ' Knowing that mother hates him gave him a terrible awnser,it was clear as day to him.
' Maybe i am.' He felt saddened. If anything he a l w a y s felt sad.
Day's were always horrible.
He was always making mistakes. Making mistakes is not taken lightly with mother. He rubbed his arm were he had blood before,remembering what happened,it defenetly wasn't pretty.
The memory was just as clear as mother hating him.
Mother came home and he got scared and stumbled back,right into the table,the glass jar wobbled of a smashed,peices started flying and one had jammed into his arm,lucky him. Mother was so angry,by the end of it he couldn't walk he was in so much pain .

Kein sighed,horrible,just horrible life.
He glanced up at Shine and she glared back,most likely because mother was right there. He inhaled sharply ' Woukd mother get mad if i asked eat something? ' he thought,he opened his mouth to say something,but he just closed it. He knew the awnser.
Something told him to ask,a small part said to not. He took  a sharp breath. "M-mother..." he stuttered,fear overwehelming she looked down at him,her cold eye's of hatred sent a shiver down his spine..he cant fight back. "What" Kein was surprised she didn't sound so angry,more of a little annoyed "" Kein couldn't say it "C'mon child,i don't have all day." She started to sound a little angry "c-can i h-have..uhm...s-something..t-to eat..." Kein stuttered,his mother stared at him for a few moments. She inhaled 'something's up..' Kein thought "Tonight,I'll let you have something,aslong as you wont die before dinner" She said,she then looked away. Kein felt excitement,joy and surprise all spurse at once in his body.
Maybe today wont be as bad. Mother seemed to be happy,which is good, he didn't want to make her mad.

He waited silently to eat.
He got up and left his room but his other sister Sara grabbed him and threw him into her room,she stood over him with a large,death glare. "W-whats wrong...?" Kein stuttered,fear starting to build up.
"Why'd you break the vase yesterday? I came home to that!" She kicked his chest. "I-it was a mistake! I g-got scared..." Kein mumbled "Ha! Scared. Look at yourself 'i got scared' yeah,and you can't fight back! What a disgrace to our family." She mumbled the last part. "Like you'll get your dream of 'i wanna become an artist and maybe if i can get into a clan!' Wow,like you'll ever get far."

Kein tried to clench his fist,why was his memories always there when he least needed them?

Kein pushed past Sara and ran to his room,shutting the door.
He burst into tears,not from just pain. He really,really wanted to become an artist..or like his sister said..even join a clan. He kicked the only blanket in his room across the floor. Still in tears.

The memories started to change,Kein started to panic.

Note for mah amino frendos:
(also,all my Amino buddies! That i know! As you guys know,Kein did not live a great life but i never shared alot about what happened between his e here this is.)

-And no i still don't feel any sympathy for Kein

He felt the burning pain under his eyes,tears drove down his face and he tried kicking and punching,trying to get his mother away for the pain to stop "STOP IT!" Koi yelled,bursting into the room. Mother walked away but the burning continued,Kein tried to gt the hot metals off his face. Kein slammed himself into a wall in panic,he could see the smoke. He could see the blur of Shine enter. He finally got the metals off his face and more tears streamed down. He instantly grabbed were the hot metals were,right under his eyes,two on each side. He ran out,bumping into Shine on the way,he tried looking for help.

And a to be continued!
Woohoo,another chapter done!

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