Here's an item for you DM's that want something cool but is rarely used
Appearance: This Steel collared ring has a shield pendent where the jewel should be.
Description: This magical ring deflects any attacks that hit it. It was made to help people who had to deal with tiny wizards. Please note that it is highly recommended that the user shouldn't cast magic while wearing this ring, due to it possible sending the spell right back at the user.
Ability: If an attack hits the ring it will be defected back at the user for the same amount of damage.(how to decided this is up to the dm, but a recommended way to do this is if an attack doesn't hit the users ac, that both the enemy & the user roll 1d10 & if they got the same number it the attack will be deflected back to the attacker)
If a person cast a spell that is transmitted though physical touch & or through the hands while wearing this ring, if they roll under a curtain number (number decided by dm) the attack will be reflected back to the user.
ФэнтезиHere's a compilation of Fan-Made Ideas & Concepts for the tabletop game Dungeons & Dragons. (all ideas & concepts are imported from my tumblr blog)