Here's one for you Dm's that wants both player world building, & a good sense of progression for your players.
The Players main hub area is a Broke Small Town that the average person is struggling to make ends meet. The Players will be notified by a NPC that the town has a place where they can donate money into the town's development & if they are able to make this broke small town into a prosperous city-state, they will be award a key to the city (which the DM can decided what that does for the party).
Town Statuses' guide
Broke small town status: At this level the players can't donate to much. They will be able to donate into fixing infrastructure of roads, houses, & bridges & can donate money into a city owned construction company to make the prices for repairs cheaper & to make sure that the infrastructure stays maintained. (finishing all of these donations will lead to the town going from the broke small town status to small town status)
Small Town Status: At this level, businesses which left start to come back, allowing the players to be able to buy items from the shops, also at this level, the town will start to alleviate some of the struggle from the average people of the town. Allows players to donate into local business & into food kitchens & homeless shelter. (finishing the food kitchen, homeless shelter, & some of the local businesses donations will lead the town status to move from small town status, to town status)
Town Status: At this level people from other areas of the world will start moving here in small numbers to look for jobs or to start there own business. This will also lead to an increase in the need of housing & will begin draw the attention of raiders, who are looking for 'easy pickings'. Allows players to donate more into the city owned construction company, & into making guard towers/city garrison base. Will also allow the players to donate into more local businesses & a service which protects people who plan to move into the town. (Finishing the construction company donation, city garrison (& or the guard towers) & some more local business donation will lead the town to move from town status to small city status).
Small City Status: At this level, people begin to move into the city at a steady stream. The people of the city will also start demanding that the city provide for more of there needs, & if left unchecked can lead to protests & revolts. Allows the players to donate to public schools, public bath, public garbage dump, city police services, & city fire services, (Finishing city police, fire services & one of the public services will change the city's status from small city to city)
City Status: At this level the city is now well know having tourists, adventures & traveling business people coming to the city. Allows for the players to donate to the tourist industry, & a public market place. This level also allows for the players to found & or donate to an adventures guild. (Finishing the public market & adventures guild will lead to the city to become a large city)
Large City status: At this level the city is having people move in a surprising speeds, new businesses being started every day & the needs of travels, the people, & the business increased. But best of all the city is now a staple of the local region & won't be able to degrade back bellow small city status & the players will be awarded a key to the city.. This allows the players to just donate to whatever they feel into whatever they want. (After awhile & with continuous donations the large city will become a city state).
City-State status: The City has grown with such power that it has now declared itself as it's own small one city country (otherwise know as a city-state). This level allows for the city to go on military ventures that the players can lead/join in with.
FantasyHere's a compilation of Fan-Made Ideas & Concepts for the tabletop game Dungeons & Dragons. (all ideas & concepts are imported from my tumblr blog)