Here's one for you Dm's that want a player to have access to getting higher ac
Appearance: A stew made of many different meats of mountainous animals & sparkling minerals
Description: This stew, made by mountaineers, was made to help protect those with weak constitutions from harm. IT has a mixture of all stuffs from the mountains. Animals, plants, minerals you name it, some version of this stew gots it. It causes the eaters skin to harden which allows them to take hits better.
Once eaten the eater's AC goes up by 2 (Lasts 2 hours)
Once eaten the eater gains 2d6 temporary hit points. (Lasts 2 hours)
FantasyHere's a compilation of Fan-Made Ideas & Concepts for the tabletop game Dungeons & Dragons. (all ideas & concepts are imported from my tumblr blog)