Here's one for you Dm's if you want your players to help some one via training montage
The Players are out in the worlds when they see an aspiring fighter desperately out of breath after 3 push-ups. If the players talk to the fighter will lament about how training has been going a lot slower than usual.
If the players are lower level they will ask if the party wants to train together with them in order to aspire each other (if the players refuse, the fighter will say that the party probably has there own training to do). If the players are mid level the fighter will ask the party if they can help him train (if the players refuse the fighter will beg, saying that they should help 'the next generation of adventures'). If the players are high level the fighter will be star struck & forget to ask for help (if the players walk away the fighter will remember & go up to them to ask for help with training. If the party refuses, the fighter will say that they probably have more important things to do 'like save the world or something')
If the players help the fighter with training, then break then start a training montage (how this is done, can be decided by the dm)
FantasyHere's a compilation of Fan-Made Ideas & Concepts for the tabletop game Dungeons & Dragons. (all ideas & concepts are imported from my tumblr blog)