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8th of April 2016

'I can't believe you don't have spring break in Australia,' Eloise said as we picked out our outfits for the night, since we would be going out soon.

'Yeah me neither, I guess we get pretty drunk every weekend so we don't really need it,' I said with a laugh, slipping on a black silk mini skirt.

The ten of us had chosen to go to Ibiza, where Michaels family has a house in Ibiza Town, meaning we were very close to the main partying area.

This was also our last major event before we cracked down and began prepping four our final exams and assignments, as we only had about two and a half months of school left.

'You're in for something else then, spring break parties are absolutely wild,' Eloise said as she pulled on her blue dress, a huge grin on her face which indicated that the evening was going to be absolutely insane.

'I'm excited,' I said as I headed into the bathroom to put on my matching black silk top and apply my red lipstick, as it was time to go downstairs and start drinking, as we would be going to our first club fairly soon.

I ended up choosing some black mules to go with my outfit for the night before grabbing my bottle of vodka and then I was ready to go.

Michaels house was right in the heart of Ibiza Town, meaning there were clubs and parties on every street at pretty much all hours of the day, not that any of us minded, it was spring break after all.

'If at least one of us doesn't pass out tonight, it has not been a successful evening,' Luke said with a grin and I just rolled my eyes at him, the party jock side of him showing tonight more than it has in a while.

'Let's hope it's you,' Calum said with a drink in hand as I walked over to Luke, his arms finding my waist straight away and pulling close to him.

'Please do not let it be you,' I sighed before Luke just laughed at me and handed me his drink to take a sip from. 'I do not want to be looking after you all night.'

'The fuck you think all of us were doing at the end of last year?' Harrison questioned, referring to my drug problem.

'Hey! That was so different,' I said with a pout and Harrison rolled his eyes at me, because he knew that I was right. My drug addiction was nothing to joke about, not then and certainly not now, since I had been clean for just over five months, which is an insanely huge achievement for me since I had been using for around three years.

'True, sorry Annabelle,' he said with an apologetic smile and I just nodded at him quickly before I made my way into the kitchen to make myself a drink, because I definitely needed one.

All of us got extremely intoxicated fairly quickly, resulting in Calum doing body shots off Ashton whilst Violet held Eloise's hair back whilst she vomited in the downstairs bathroom, which was a standard occurrence when all of us were drinking together.

We ended up heading to Mei Ibiza, which is one of the most popular clubs in the whole of Ibiza.

'Holy shit,' I mumbled as we reached the club, the whole area crawling with teenagers and young adults on their spring break.

'Never partied in Ibiza before?' Luke asked and I shook my head as we jumped into the line, waiting to get in before the night truly began.

Money: Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now