Chapter 1 - Am I dreaming?

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I'm a mom and wife, I'm used to a big family and kids that run around and make funny noises and getting up really early because of the smallest sounds. I've always had a bad habit of sleep grabbing the kids if they wake up. You're sleeping and you hear your kid crying and you're body moves it's way up the stairs, most likely while running and maybe you hit your foot on the stair and break a toe.

Been there-done that, how do you think I ended up here? By running up stairs to get one of my kids having a nightmare. THAT is how I Died.

No, I wasn't heroically fighting off an intruder, I wasn't in a car accident. Nope I was running up the stairs basically asleep and I probably would've woken up randomly snuggled next to or on the floor by whichever child of mine it is after whispering something along the lines of " 'tis k, bad dream, sleepy now" giving said child of mine a kiss on the cheek and waking up wondering how I ended up there because I don't remember it happening.

My sleepy body goes into autopilot if something happens to my kids, probably because my over-protective motherness takes over in sleep land or something.


I knew that my head was resting on something hard and that my body felt incredibly heavy, then I remember that I was running upstairs to grab my upset child, I vaguely remember slipping and I definitely remember sleepy thinking "one of my babies need me" next thing I know I hear silent mummers and then a book is slammed near my head. . . So I do what any lovely lady would do that fell down the stairs going to comfort an upset child.

"SHIT, WHERE's MY BABIES" I shout as I jump up in the middle of a uhhh (Class????) I hear a few quiet snickers around the room. Mr. teach narrows his eyes at me.

"Miss Gilbert, please refrain from sleeping in my class" Mr. Tanner says in a rather annoying bossy voice.... nope sorry darling... Wait...

"Whose Miss Gilbert?" I ask with what I'm sure is an innocently confused face. Sure NOW the room is quiet.

"Miss Gilbert, this is no time for a joke. I was willing to be lenient with you last year, for obvious reasons, but the personal reasons ended with summer break."

He said with a rather snotty voice.. maybe he's not really a teacher? What an asshole, really.
But before I could tell him that I thought he was an asshole someone spoke up.

"There was 346 causalities, unless you're counting civilians"

Ironically he looks vaguely familiar, they all do hmm.. maybe I am dreaming then? Maybe if I bang my head on the table hard enough then it'll wake me up?

The asshole teacher says back
"That's correct, Mr?"

"Salvatore" That sounds like the main vamp people's name in Vamp Diaries... wacky dream I guess?

"Salvatore? Any relation to the original settlers here in Mystic Falls?" Said the asshole teach. Mystic Falls huh? Maybe I'm in a coma or this is really advanced cosplay/role-play? Where's Elena though? Hmm...

"Distant" Mr. Salvatore reply's. Yup it's probably a coma.

"Very good, except that there were no civilian casualties in this battle" maybe I should interrupt and ask if they're hard core vamp diaries fans and how I got here when I just fell down the stairs while trying to get to my kiddos?

"Actually there were 27 civilian casualties. Confederate soldiers fired on the church believing it to be hiding weapons, but they were wrong. It's a night of great loss. The founders records are stored in civil hall if you want to brush up on your facts, Mr Tanner."
Ahhh that is the assholes name. I forgot. Yup it's the vamp diaries. I need to get home, I must be dreaming then.

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