Chapter 2 - What Comet? Lets build a Fort! Yay! Vervain!

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Two days later
@ The Gilbert Residence

My Vervain arrived yesterday so I spent time last night mixing the liquid into some ink that I bought and then I went to a tattoo parlor and asked them to use my ink for a Phoenix Tattoo on my stomach.

However to be safe. I also have powdered vervain mixed into coffee grounds, I have some linquid vervain mixed into Jenna's perfume and hair supplies.

I have vervain mixed in Jeremies cologne and shampoo.

I'm considering mixing it into the laundry detergent too.

Maybe I should put some on the cleaning supplies too and on the doorknobs? ?
Am I being to paranoid?

Uggghhhh I don't wanna look like Kathrine ... or Elena really.

As I walk out of my considering what to do with my hair so that I look different from Kathrine (and Elena) but then I hear Jenna ask me....

"Do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?" She asks me looking hopeful and nervous."

"Depends on where you're going Dear Aunt." I say back to her.

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference. Hair up or down?" She asks me. Jenna proceeds to pull her hair up.

" Uh, Sexy stewardess." I respond to the updo.

Then Jenna lets her hair down, it'd be cute styled though...

"Boozy housewife or Sex hair. It looks a bit wild like that" I say too her, because really, it does look a bit wild.

"Up it is. You're feisty today." She says back with a smile.

"Well, I guess I feel good today you know? Which I guess is rare. Sorry, Where is Jeremy? Aunty?" I ask back.

"He left early. Something about getting to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse." She says with slight confusion on her face, then she pauses, realization sets in. "There is no wood shop, is there?" She asks me saddened and frustrated.

"No Darling Aunt, there isn't." I say back.

"Yeah." Jenna responded back with a downtrodden expression.

3rd POV

Jeremy is standing outside of Vicki's hospital room.

The nurse comes up to him and says, "You can't be in here, hon. Visiting hours don't start till 9:00."

Jeremy stutters, "I is she?" He asks nervously.

The nurse replies, "She's lost a lot of blood."

"Yeah, but she's gonna be OK, right?" He asks hopefully.
The nurse replies gently, "She needs her rest. So you come back later. Come on." The nurse leads him away.

Mystic Falls High School
Mr. Tanner is lecturing the class and I'm trying to ignore the world, Mr. Stefan keeps glancing at me so I finally turn and smile back because then maybe, just maybe he'll stop.

"Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?" He asks after he catches me smiling back at Mr. Stefan.

The bell rings and we finally get to leave that class, thank the gods, Mr. Tanner is, well, he's boring.

Stefan walks up to me and says "I brought it." And hands me a book I've never read before.

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