Chapter 52 - The Past Slips Out and Original Mommies First Fort Party

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Mikaelson Mansion

"I'm so excited, you're going to have so much fun!" I tell Esther excitedly as I grab her hand. "Mommy and the Daddy's are here already." I'm going to convert her. Fuck the plot.

"I'll call Marcel, Caroline and Stefan." Klaus says with a sigh as he leaves the room.

"I'm sorry we woke her." Bonnie says then apologetically "but Elijah was hoping she could become part of the family again you know?"

"It's okay, come on mommy original, we're going to get pillows from the bedrooms." I tell her happily.

She follows silently "why do you care for them." She asks curiously "they're abominations and unnatural."

"Because they're human. Sure they're vampires but vampires are humans too, just as werewolves and witches are. Their major difference is that they have to drink blood to survive and they got perks. They just have a major iron deficiency I suppose. Then there's heightened emotions. Sure they can hate and kill viciously but humans, witches and werewolves can too you know? Nature has adjusted for them too so that helps. To all of a sudden remove them would be chaotic and damaging. Not to mention incredibly dangerous." I tell her passionately. "You can't trust anyone really. Anyone can be a liar, anyone can be a murderer, anyone can be a rapist or they can be great people whom you intend to kill because your judgement is clouded by something you don't understand."

"My children have killed many" Esther states simply.

I raise an eyebrow "they've been alive a thousand years, they're human in the simplest of ways. They want love. They want support. They needed both love and support and then maybe another way would've been found for them to obtain the blood without causing death, but you and your jackass of a husband fucked that up."

"My son is an abomination. All of them are abominations." Esther snaps.

"So are you, witches, werewolves and vampires logically shouldn't exist but in this world they do. But even then he didn't sleep with his father, YOU did so grow the fuck up and be a mom, a real mom. One that actually wants her kids to be taken care of, one that doesn't want to be so full of bitterness that she thinks hurting her own kids is a good thing. Fuck, I wouldn't of thought twice about killing my husband if he hurt my kids the way he hurt yours."

"You never went through anything like that, how would you know?" Esther snaps again, seemingly very upset.

"Because my husband wasn't much better to me, before we married it was harsh and brutal and I didn't know what to do, I had promised him not to leave. At first I thought maybe it was okay for a man you were dating to not listen when you tell them no, when you fight hard for them to not touch you." I say a little shakily, I always try to forget about the fights, the way he'd pull on me when I used to cry as he hurt me. I start hearing things breaking downstairs and sounds of anger.

I swallow as I continue, trying my hardest to keep myself strong. I need to say this.  "The thing is, I always fought back. He liked it when I did but I couldn't not fight. He preferred not to hit me at first, but I didn't stop fighting and even then he preferred it so I just couldn't move . ." Tears slip past my eyes then. Even as the sound of shattering objects gets louder.

I suck in a breath and breathe out as I continue, silent tears going past my eyes, I won't cry about it. It happened, no one will do that to me anymore. "He felt he needed the control, he had snapped. I wanted to leave but I made him a promise before you see and I don't like to break promises. ." I hear things being broken downstairs mixed in with shouts of anger but still but I did not stop.

"The difference is when I told him I'd kill him if he laid a hand on our kids I meant it, even if I'd have to bury his body myself and he luckily is very strongly against child violence at least. But he fucking snapped before they had been born." I snap back at her harshly my breathing going ragged. It was a dark part in both my life and his, most of the time he'd black out when it happened, who knows maybe my world wasn't a normal world either. He always seemed to not be himself, his words were different, his voice if he even spoke then. It was almost like another soul was in his body then. But maybe I was delusional then too. I used to have such horrific vivid dreams.

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