Chapter 57 - Cults and Accidental Dimension Hopping

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New York City

We arrived in New York a few days ago, we plan on taking down a cult that harms children and sacrifices them for power which is really, really fucked up.

Now the cult Klaus has been telling us about seems to be the work of a real coven of witches so we have be a bit more cautious then just jumping in and killing everyone.

I was bouncing excitedly from foot to foot as we walked around New York City, them letting me explore before we do a another massacre tonight. I'm beside Nik and Day as we walk down the street, occasionally stopping to look into the display windows and randomly saying 'oh that looks nice!' and then walking away.

"Settle down love, we can always visit again" Nik says with a laugh and a dimpled smile on his face as I'm excitedly dragging them all over the place and checking out the large buildings.

I smile back at him happily "I know! But I'm having fun, I've never been here before you know?"

"I never would've guessed" Damon says sarcastically, I stick my tongue out at him he chuckles at me, bops me on the nose and sticks his tongue back out at me too.

Kol then Gibbs smacks me and Damon "keep you're tongue in your mouth Little Gilbert before I take it in mine and you Salvatore, I just felt like hitting you!" Kol says irritated, ahh my poor poor man child needs some snuggles and cuddles.

Damon rolls his eyes and says with annoyance "fucker, I wanna kick your ass" and then sticks his middle finger up at Kol. Aww, more bonding time will be necessary, then again that's why we go out and kill groups of people. Well, that and they deserve it, besides it happens to be fun.

I huff and wink at him "Maybe I wanna play tonsil hockey with Damon, Kol"

Kol grins at me wickedly "as long as I get a turn I'm up for it!" He says and winks at me.

"I'll play anytime with you Lena" Kai says huskily has he playfully slaps my ass, Kol and Damon smack Kai playfully on the back of the head then and he pouts while I giggle quietly.

We're going to have to have to start playfully wrestling in the living room I think.

Me and Nik can't stop the chuckle from coming out, they're all so funny and they're all smiling so brightly, it's good to be surrounded by happiness like this.

It was dark out now, I made sure to have my combat boots on, a few new knives strapped over my leggings to my thighs. I also had an arm band with my phone, you never know if someone is going to call and we are massacring a cult so it's more of a precaution if things go south.

"Come on Lena, we don't have all day." Damon says playfully as we leave the fancy hotel.

"I can't wait to siphon them dry!" Kai says happily. My lips quirk up in amusement.

"You know, we haven't checked if you can die yet." Kol says conversationally to Kai in curiosity. "Though with how everything is my assumption is death isn't do able for you either."

"Well, I'm not to keen on checking that out." Kai says with a snort. "But it'd be illogical to think I can die when she can't."

"I haven't wanted to test that out" Tyler says.

I add to their conversation. "I don't think you can die Kai, just like I don't think Ty can die, at least not permanently."

"Why's that love?" Nik asks curiously.

"Because they're connected to all of us and I can't die anymore so it just seems logical, we didn't exactly pick them up as random strays and drag them along you know?" I say while thinking about it.

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