Chapter 31 - Elijah, Tylers Full Moon and Jules visits town

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Martin's Residence
3rd POV

Elijah is standing at a window, looking out. Jonas and Luka enter the apartment and shuts the door behind themselves.

Elijah looks between both witches and says "Your shadow spell was successful. I was able to track that girl. However, I did have a little run in with one of the brothers that killed me and the one who bite me. I'll need to be somewhere else when the delusions take over though. "

Jonas ask curiously "I assume they didn't live to tell about it?"

Elijah sighs and says "Actually, I spared them. They'd die before they'd let anything happen to her. They both would and some others would too it seems. She'll be kept safe."

Jonas nods and says ominously "For now."

Elijah nods in agreement "Well, that's precisely what we need her to be. Safe."

Gilbert Residence
Tyler POV

It was early and quiet. More quiet then the house normally is, Tyler thinks as he sits at the kitchen table.

He knows that he was incredibly frustrated that she left the safety of the house and that he just didn't want her to her hurt.

Both himself and Damon have noticed that she's fighting the mate bond. That she doesn't actually notice it.

Tyler wonders if she'll show up for the full moon tonight. Technically he doesn't have to transform, but he rather enjoys it now that it's not painful.

There's a knock on the door. He's hope it's Lena but she wouldn't have to knock. He opens the door to see a blonde he doesn't recognize.
"Can I help you?" He asks her with a raised eyebrow.

"Hi, I'm Jules. I am a friend of Masons and your mom mentioned that the last person he was with was you." She tells him.

She's a werewolf then he figures. "I haven't seen him since he left." Tyler tells her.

Which is the truth they've talked over the phone and the computer of course but Lena wanted him away from town until after something happened.

"Well, if you hear from him let me know." She says with a smile.

"Yeah, Bye." He tells her before closing the door. He's going to have to call Damon now.

Mystic Grill
3rd POV

Jules arrives at the grill. She sees Matt and asks him. "Hey, excuse me. Crazy question: do you know Tyler Lockwood?"

Alaric and Damon are looking at her. He got a call from Tyler earlier too. But he'd admit he's surprised they haven't just called him up. Unless he got a new number too? Huh. He'll have to ask Tyler.

Damon says "Mmm, Mason's mystery woman."

Alaric looks at Damon and asks curiously "Where is Mason anyway?"

Damon shrugs "you'd have to ask Tyler or Lena, they're the ones who keep in contact with him."

Alaric blinks at him surprised "You both let your mate communicate with him?"

Damon chuckles "We can't make her not do something. We try to keep her home and safe so what does she do? She runs off to a lake for some star gazing. We tell her to come back, she tells us she needs time by herself."

Alaric chuckles too "Ahh, well at least she won't let you both control her life."

Damon snorts "lets hope that her other mate or mates understand that as well. I do no look forward to trying to be a mediator. I'm supposed to be the difficult one to control." Damon drops his head to the table and mumbles "why didn't I just drag her hot ass home yesterday?"

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