Chapter 46 - Sadness Falls, Hello, Daddy, New Mommy and Daddy Two!

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Gilbert Residence

I woke up on a hard chest that I know I didn't fall asleep on last night and I feel solid again. I breath out a sigh of relief. I look up and see Klaus, I blink once, twice. I shake my head and I blink again and he's still there.

He's looking at me with a dimpled smile on his face. Aww! "Can I help you?" I ask confused.

"Well, I'd love to kiss you!" He says back. I wonder if Klaus is high.

"Are you high? Can vampires even get high?" I start mumbling.

"Now love, why would I need to be high to want to kiss you?" He asks with that smirk of his.

"I'd say maybe I'm on something, but the closest thing I got to drugs was to alcohol and that was like my last year of high school and I hardly even drank. ." I continue mumbling.

"No kiss then?" He says jokingly.

"No thanks. As handsome as you are, probably not a good time. I've been a ghost for. . How long was I gone for?" I ask him curious.

"Too long darling, too long." Kol mutters sleepily from my other side.

I freeze momentarily in shock of his presence beside me and I take a deep breath and release it. "Alrighty then, I should go make breakfast." I say while thinking.

I don't see Klaus and Kol glancing at each other with an eyeball raised.

"Talking to yourself love?" Klaus starts to say.

"You know, they say that's the first sign of insanity" Kol continues lightly.

I snort and tell them. . . "I'll talk to whomever is listening, you two would have to ignore what I say for me to be insane. Oh, Well there is Bob outside, he overheard too. He says he wishes he could have breakfast but alas he only gets what's given to him, granted he's a tree so he can't exactly call a Feed-A-Tree and get a home delivery."

"Tree?" Klaus and Kol mutter.

Kai is standing at the door when I sit up. Huh. He looks pissed.

"Yo" I reply as I climb around my bed guests and grab out clothes, at this point Bob the tree is telling me a story so I forget I have an audience and I start talking off my pajama pants.

"No." Kol says from beside me, grabbing my hands to stop me and my eyes snap to him and I come to a realization that I was about to undress in front of them.

My mouth makes the 'O' shape in surprise. "I should charge admission" I mutter as I shake my head. "Sorry, Bob was telling me a funny story about this one time Larry the tree thought he was a leprechaun and he couldn't remember where he put his treasure so he'd." I stop mid explanation.

"Sorry." I say with a frown. "You guys are making me nervous and you really don't care about all of this." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair in embarrassment.

"I would've listened" Kai says quickly as he glare between Kol and Klaus. "the stories you get are entertaining."

I nod silently and I go to move past them as I hear both Klaus and Kol speak up at the same time "We would've loved to hear the rest of the story too love/darling"

"Excuse me." I say as I walk past Kai, he doesn't move very far away but I squeeze past him, ignoring the way my body is reacting to all of them, even thinking about Damon or Tyler is making my body want to react and it's weird.

I've never been one to fawn over boys. Sure I'd think they were hot, but even as a little girl I wouldn't put up posters or boys or even fawn over the new upcoming hot actor or anything. It was always "They're hot. Sure if I could get to know them maybe I'd want to have a relationship" but that was the extent. Why would I fret over someone or try to claim someone that can never be mine.

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