Chapter 19 - Stefan gets help and Lena gets scolded. .

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After my hug cuddle-fest thing we all were kind of awkward for a bit, me being marvelous at breaking those decides to say something again since I guess 'I'm fine' didn't register in their heads.

"Morning?" I ask curiously.

I hear Jeremy snort and Jenna cover her mouth to hold back a small laugh.

"No, Elena. You were out for two days. It's the weekend now." John/Dad tells me.

I nod thoughtfully. "Anybody got water?" I was thirsty.

"Here Lena" Jeremy says as he hands me a bottle of water.

I smile at him "Thanks Jere"

Jeremy gives me another hug and whispers in my ear "You're in so much trouble sis, if he would've been anyone else they would've killed him."

I frown, I saved someone else from having to go through it though, at the end was selfish maybe? Can it be selfish for wanting to go home? Am I a bad person? Do they all hate me now?

"I have to go to a meeting now." Dad/John says as he leans in and gives me another hug. He was never this huggy in the show was he? Huh. Maybe all he needed to soften was Elena to jump on him yelling daddy?

"Kay, afternoon daddy." I tell him.

After he leaves Alaric, Damon, Tyler, Jeremy and Jenna pick out seats, oh, none of them look happy.

I hold back the want to cry again and I square my shoulders, it's harder when you disappoint family and good friends.

I guess it wasn't surprising that both Damon and Tyler are the first to start heatedly whispering their disapproval at my actions.

"Why didn't you fight" I hear Damon snap at me.

"He could've killed you." I hear Tyler snap.

"He would've taken Amy" I snap out sadly "she's so nice and even if I'm dreaming I couldn't let her be hurt."

Both Damon and Tyler look at each other and take a deep breath as Jeremy grabs my hand and speaks "Lena, I know you hate to see others hurt when you can prevent it but we hate you being hurt. You're important to us."

Aunt Jenna grabs my hand and says "what you did was brave, but also reckless."

"But Amy wouldn't just leave and if I didn't go into the bathroom she would've, I couldn't just let her get hurt could I?" It's true too.

It's Tyler who speaks next "You have a saving people thing." Then says again "But you shouldn't be putting yourself into harms way."

Then Damon speaks "I think we should just put her in a nice large and safe padded house or something, danger magnet proof."

I groan as Jeremy starts looking thoughtful "Not a chance" I snap at them and cross my arms.

"We just want you safe Elena" Alaric says.

"I don't need protected Ric." I whisper out.

I hear them all snort and I can't stop the pout.

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