Chapter 56 - The Hotel Adventures

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Chicago Hotel Somewhere

I woke up snuggled all nice and warm. I feel skin against mine as I snuggle and I realize that I'm naked. Then again I was covered in blood last night so it makes sense.

"My boys" I say with a mumble and then I hear a few quiet laughs.

"We'll always be yours love." I hear Klaus say quietly from a bit farther away.

"We love you Lena." Tyler says.

I nod against whomever's chest I'm against and yawn, my hand lightly against my mouth as I do so.

I open my eyes slowly, my eyes are heavy from sleep. "Not ready to wake up yet darling?" Kol asks me with a chuckle.

"You're all exhausting." I tell them with a tired huff "but it was amazing, the feeling of all of you plus the high from the killing it was so amazing" I say with a small happy sigh.

"Don't worry Baby, we'll do it all again soon." Kai says happily as he runs his hands through my hair and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm surprised that you passed out so fast." Damon says with a small chuckle as he bops my nose and kisses me on the side of my mouth.

"I was exhausted you brat." I say with a small huff as I swat at his hand and stick my tongue out at him.

Klaus raises an eyebrow and says in a playfully arrogant tone with a shake of his finger "real mature Lena Love, real mature."

So in playful retaliation I stick my tongue out at Nik.

Tyler looks amused as he says with a chuckle "keep doing that and I'll suck your tongue out of your mouth Little Gilbert."

I pout and cross my arms over my chest "How rude."

Kai practically cackles then and pulls me close to him "You love us all anyways"

I gasp in pretend anger and put my hand over my heart as I sit up away from him "I would never."

Kol throws a pillow at me from the edge of the bed then. "You definitely would darling, however I for one am not against ravishing you if you keep denying it." He says with a sexy smirk on his face as Tyler chuckle at us.

"I'll drown you" I say with a grin of my own as I wink at Kol.

Kol narrows his eyes at me playfully as he throws another pillow at me while the others chuckle.

I stand up on the large bed pulling Kai up with me since he's the only one still directly beside me.

Kol who's at the end of the bed with Damon asks me curiously "what are you doing you silly Human?"

"We're going to jump on the bed of course!" I inform them happily as I start jumping on the bed while holding Kai's hand who starts jumping a little too.

I really wish I had a trampoline right now though, all that jumping goodness.

"Come on Guys get on this bed and jump with us!" I tell them happily as I jump on the bed with Kai knowing that soon Nik will too and then he'll learn to have more fun!

Tyler is standing between the big bed and the other big bed so I jump to him, he catches me as I giggle, luckily I didn't face plant into the floor I suppose but it's fun.

I try to pull him onto the bed while he pretends to not be able to get on it so then I'm yelling "NO GET OFF THE FLOOR THE LAVA WILL KILL YOU YOU CRAZY WOLFIEs!"

"Get off the floor you goof-balls" I say to Nik and Tyler with a wink, "the floor IS Lava you know, you'll die."

Nik raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms as I'm starting to pull Tyler onto the bed as Tyler starts saying playfully "ohh nooo, I'm dying. The lava is killing me, save me Lena"

"Well, if you didn't weigh five million pounds that wouldn't be an issue would it?" I say jokingly to Tyler.

Tyler huffs and he stands up on the bed and shouts "I'm recovered" and starts bouncing around the bed.

"I don't know if I" Nik starts to say as I hop over to the other bed as Damon and Tyler start throwing pillows at Kol and Kai who were discussing methods of killing and torture again.

"It'll be fun, come on scaredy-cat" I say excitedly as I grab Niks hand and pull him onto the bed as he pretends to be sluggish and falls on me. I can't stop the giggles that burst through me then as I try to push him off.

He's a lot fucking heavier then I am though and I can't push the brat off. "I think I'll stay here love, It's so comfy!" He tells me.

I giggle a bit. What a goofy guy, "Come on Big Bad Hybrid, jump on the bed with us Kay?" I ask him as he smiles at me.

Then he pouts "but it's so childish."

"But it's fun brother." Kol whines from the other bed he's jumping on.

"If you would've asked me a year ago if I'd be jumping around on a bed like a five year old I would've ripped your heart out or something" Damon says with a huff as he pushes Kol off the bed.

Kol snarls at Damon and vamps over to him, his hand around Damon's neck and he slams Damon into the wall I roll my eyes as they start wrestling, kai sitting on one of the chairs in the room clapping happily as they fight.

Nik is still on top of me "Look love, no more jumping on the bed."

"Running my fun?" I ask him with a pouty face.

Tyler huffs as he sits by us "I swear it's almost like they're brothers."

Nik rolls his eyes and I can't hold back my excitement as I move away from Nik and Tyler and jump on Kol's back.

"I shall win!" I say happily as I start trying to tickle him, Kol's arm wraps around my stomach as Damon knocks Kol over.

Kol chuckles as I continue trying to tickle him as the others start play fighting as well, okay so the play fighting became violent when Kol decided to snap Damon's neck, but to be fair Damon freaked out when Kol started ticking my toes and I was between hysterical crying and laughing.

Kol snapped Damon's neck when he woke, the others are occasionally throwing each other.

I'm currently on Kais back, my arms around around his neck and he's holding my legs to keep me up while him and Tyler keep trying to kick each other to knock the other down.

Nik, Kol and Damon are either throwing things at each other or snapping each other's necks. I wonder if that's therapeutic for them?

"Kai, lead me safely to the couch my good man!" I say happily as I'm practically bouncing on his back.

Kai huffs "only for you"  as he starts walking into the living room of the hotel suite. Which is more like a furnished apartment really.

"Hey, what about me?" Tyler says agitated.

"Well you can follow along of course!" I say happily from Kai's back

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