Chapter 37 - Road Trip Fun, Danger Magnets and Shenanigans

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Damon's Car
3rd POV

"I can't believe you wouldn't wait for me. I told you I was going to go with you when that happened didn't I? I don't care if you trust him Lena, I don't trust him." Damon snaps angrily.

Elena just nods. Her mind isn't even paying attention. She's thinking that the landscape looks lovely.

"Elena are you even listening to me?" Damon snaps again.

Elena looks at him and blinks a few times "Huh? Oh sure. The landscape is pretty here." She says.

Damon groans and Tyler laughs at them both. Damon's head snaps to him and he almost snarls "Why didn't you tell me that he came to get her at school Lockwood?"

"She asked me not to." Tyler says "besides I did tell you, once we left."

Damon snarls "No, you told me once she had already given some of her blood to that psycho."

Elena groans "She's right here gentlemen." She emphasized 'here' by pointing to herself "and She can make her own decisions, thank you very much."

Damon snorts rudely and snarls out "fuck no, I don't care if you choose to be queen of the world. No way am I letting you get yourself killed."

Elena groans as Tyler says "I have to agree. There's no way I'm letting you get yourself killed either. Klaus will have to go through us."

Elena imagines hitting her head on the dashboard hard. "No he won't. Besides he mentioned wanting me to come back afterwards instead of staying dead so you're home free." Elena tells them dryly. It's not like it's their choice regardless. "Most likely." Elena adds as an afterthought.

I mean if Klaus is moody enough he'd keep her dead just out of spite, but considering she's already dead or in a coma it doesn't really make much of a difference to her personally. If she is really dead and ended up here for another life, it'd be interesting to see where she'd end up next.

Tyler grounds his teeth and ends up snapping in frustration. "How can you not care if you live or not?"

Elena thinks for a bit. She can feel both of their eyes on her curiously as she answers. "Well, either I've already died once or I'm in a long long coma ya know and I may or may not be slightly curious about what would happen next if I am dead. Would I stay entirely dead? Would I wake up in another world again? It's sort of exciting you know?"

"FUCK" Damon spits out and starts mumbling under his breath quietly so she can't hear him. "Great, just great. I finally my mate. Shes fucking perfect. She's unlike any woman I've ever met, she happens to enjoy near death situations. Doesn't mind death in the slightest. She enjoys chaos. She's almost crazy in an amazingly irresistible way, because I swear I fell in love with her the moment she had a sharp conversation with the door and she just HAS to be SO SO interested in universe hopping that she'd like to die, just to see where she ends up."

Tyler nods along with Damon and then adds quietly so she doesn't hear him mumble back "Not to mention she would step in to defend someone she hates or dislikes if they're being hurt. Then again she'd probably also kill them if she saw them doing something she doesn't like."

Damon nods and says normally "Isn't that the truth. She's just perfect."

Elena is looking between the two males curiously. Who could they be talking about so quietly. She shrugs. It's not any of her business if they're interested in doing the same girl, she'll just have to figure out who she'll have to get along with though. She doesn't want to lose her friends.

Besides, she's dead right? Or is she alive, but had died and is now alive again kinda? Eh, who knows? It doesn't matter. . .

She's just herself after all, the only thing most ever cared about was her body and she wasn't going to go through that shit again. If she's stuck here she'd rather be celibate for the rest of her life then to be used again for her body and then left when that's all over.

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