Chapter 38- Tyler's Dad, Lena has fun and Kol is amused

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Gilbert Residence

It was late morning or around 10ish when the door bell rang. Tyler was on the phone with his uncle and I was considering heading to the Grill or maybe just going for a walk in the woods.

The door bell rang again. Impatient person I guess. I open the door and I see Tyler's father "Mr. Lockwood." I say in greeting crossing my arms. I don't like him. I tilt my head and ask sweetly "Can I help you? Or did you get lost on the way to hell?"

Mr. Lockwood grits his teeth and spits out "I'm here to talk to Tyler."

I raise an eyebrow "huh, maybe he doesn't want to talk to you though."

"Move it Elena." Mr. Lockwood snaps.

I snort and tell him bluntly. "I think not. I don't trust you. But I'll call him down and I will chaperone your visit."

Mr. Lockwood splutters and starts to snap "I don't thin. . ."

I ignore Him and turn towards the stairs and yell up. "Tyler, your Daddy is here."

I turn back to mr. Lockwood. "He'll come down. Have a seat? Or I could push you into the fire"

Just then Tyler comes down the stairs. "Threatening my dad Lena?" He asks curiously as he looks between me and his father.

I shrug. "Maybe? I'll be in the room though Ty. I don't trust your daddy dearest."

"You don't nee. ." He starts to say but I cut him off.

"I know but, you're one of mine. I'll protect you if need be and you'll have my back when I decide to do something stupid." I tell him sternly with my arms crossed.

Tyler doesn't respond to that and he turns towards his father "yes dad?"

"I want you to move back home. We gave you space but you need to move back home now." Mr. Lockwood tells his son sternly.

I see Tyler shift uncomfortably. Ohh no. He's not going to listen to his bully of a father is he?

"He's staying here." I tell Mr. Lockwood sternly "and so help me god if you try to take your son from a safe place I'll fucking ruin you."

Mr. Lockwood's face contorts into rage "if you think you can boss me around just because my son is fucking you then. . ."

I burst into laughter before he can finish. I can see Tyler's trying to hold back from attacking his father "sorry, that probably shouldn't have been funny but it so was. Me doing your son? As hot as your son is I'm not doing anyone and if I was I'd of kicked your ass for being an adult shithead. Honestly I should still kick your ass."

Okay so maybe I was taunting Tyler's father now. It's all the truth. But now I'm pissed. He's lucky I'm not kicking his ass right now. Or beating him with a frying pan. Those are supposed to work rather well you know?

Just then Alaric and Jenna come in behind Mr. Lockwood. Alaric looks around as he takes in our faces and sees how angry Mr. Lockwood looks he asks "Is there a problem here?"

"No, I was just telling my son that he needs to stop this tantrum of his and return home." Mr Lockwood says angrily while glaring at me.

"He can do whatever the fuck he wants." I snap at him. "Do you want to move out Ty? It's up to you." I turn towards him and I see him shifting uncomfortably.

"No, uh, Dad. I'm going to stay here." Tyler says looking at his father as he steps in front of me slightly. He's being careful of how he speaks. He expects retaliation. I grab Tyler's arm and try to move him but he won't budge. I peak around him as I see Mr. Lockwood's fists clench tightly.

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