Chapter 29 - Meeting Kidnappers and Elijah; Klaus investigates

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Outside Mystic Falls
3rd POV

In a secluded country area outside of Mystic Falls a SUV is meeting another car.
Said mysterious man gets out of his car and goes over to the man in the SUV. The man in the SUV is wearing a cap and sunglasses, which should make anyone suspicious since its night time.

"Where is she?" Trevor asked the questionable man.

The questionable man replies "In the trunk, I did exactly what you said."

Trevor sighs out happily "Good, put her in the back." He points to his car.

The questionable man then opens the trunk with our Elena is in it, unconscious.

He takes her out and puts her in the SUV trunk. Trevor sees her in the rear-view mirror and smiles. After putting Elena in the trunk, he joins Trevor.

Trevor says happily "Thank you for your help."

The questionable man asks "Is there anything else?"

Trevor nods and says, "One more thing. Come closer, please."

The questionable man gets closer as he's told.

Trevor says again "Closer."

The questionable man gets closer. Then Trevor takes him, bites him, drinks his blood and then throws him on the floor and drives away. The questionable man is now dead.

New York City Klaus' Penthouse
Klaus POV

I have blood bags on hand for when Finn awakens and I'm certain he is going to be very unhappy with me. After I confirm that our father is dead then he can go wherever he wants while I follow the message that is either an ambush or from MY Wacky Doppelgänger who would then apparently know to much.

I see Finn sit up in his bed/coffin, we don't have to be technical do we?

"Finn" I say as I sit in a seat across the room. He will be attacking me after all. I'd rather be somewhat comfortable first.

His head snaps towards mine his eyes narrowed "who woke me."

"I did, I removed the dagger." I tell him. I won't admit it to anybody but I feel bad, how was I supposed to know that after so many years it'd be so painful.

Finn jumps out of the coffin snarling "What year is it?" He demands to know.

Normally I won't tolerate such disrespect but I did put him through agony of something apparently. "2010"

I toss him a blood bag. I tell him a bit about how things have changed "We don't NEED to use people to survive anymore. What I tossed you is a blood bag, all given from someone at a blood drive. I'll also be letting you use my contacts to help you search for Sage, She is still alive from what I've heard and after we confirm that Father is truly dead then you can go wherever you want. Even far from me." I tell him. He is a kill joy anyways and he's pretty sure Finn never liked him anyways.

"Why?" Finn asks calmly after finishing a few blood bags.

"I didn't know it'd end up hurting you. The daggers." I tell him sitting stiffly, wondering when he will attack me.

He looks at me long and hard then nods solemnly.

"Aren't you going to attack me brother?" I ask him carefully.

Finn turns his face back towards me and shakes his head and says "No, not if you let me destroy the dagger."

I consider it and sigh, fine. Fuck. Fine, I'll probably hardly see him after he leaves anyways. I nod "Destroy it then brother."

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