Chapter 39 - 60's Dance? No. Blanket Fort Party? FUN, FUN!

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Salvatore Boarding House
3rd POV

Klaus is sitting at the couch with a glass of bourbon in his hand beside Damon who has a frown on his face.

"I don't get why she'd invite you over here." Damon says angrily.

"Your guess is as good as mine mate. She just told me to arrive ASAP. Who knew my little mate, whom I have to sacrifice mind you is sometimes a little psycho" Klaus says with a chuckle thinking about when she begged them to take her to massacre a group of prisoners.

Damon can feel his blood boiling as he clinched his jaw shut, he wants to strangle Klaus so badly. "She's mine." Damon snaps harshly without thinking.

Damon knew that she wasn't just his or just his and Tyler's but he gets stuck with Klaus and up to two more? What if she forgets about him, he matters too doesn't he? Or what if he hurts her and she thinks he's not good anymore?

Of course he doesn't know that all of her mates share very similar worries to his.

Klaus clenches his fist, he so badly wants to hit Damon, snap his neck over and over again. The only thing stopping him is because he's unsure of if his little, their little mate would feel it too or not.

Klaus chuckles harshly and says sharply "Is she? I think she's more then just yours Salvatore."

Damon will admit that he's glad that Zach moved out though. He likes his nephew great something but he'd rather not be blamed for Zachary's possible death or something.

Damon grits his teeth, stands up and snaps "I know that" as he begins pacing. He just really doesn't like it. Tyler he can handle. He gets along with him now. But Klaus? The man who's going to kill her in about a week?

"Do you really?" Klaus asks tauntingly. He has mixed feelings about her other mates.

Damon grits his teeth and answers through clinched teeth "Yes." As he continues to pace.

Klaus chuckles again. He's not even sure why he feels so relaxed. Maybe it's because Elena is also feeling relaxed? Ugh. If she wasn't his mate he'd kill her simply because of the confusion. . . Maybe . . She's quite interesting, maybe he wouldn't do that regardless. She's an interesting mix of things.

"Good. Because if I'm right and Kol is also her mate he's the one who'll snap your neck just for fun, unashamedly I'll of course help him out." Klaus says with a smile.

Damon scoffs "Yeah, well all you've done so far is throw around empty death threats." Damon continues his pacing.

Klaus vamps to him and slams him into the wall sharply, careful not to harm him to much. He doesn't want to hurt his precious sacrificial mate(not that he knows if it'll hurt her or anything.) He's just being cautious of course.

Klaus snaps harshly, "The only thing keeping me from pulling your heart from your chest right now is Elena. Don't test me Salvatore because if you try to challenge me I'll take her from you and you won't see her again. Her other Mate or not, I am stronger then you, older then you. You don't stand a chance against me."

Just then Elena walks in holding Tyler's hand, or maybe just pulling him in? The brat is dragging his feet so who can tell?

Elena looks curiously between them "Are you two trying to tell me that this Blanket fort party should be a wrestling match instead? I'll admit that I find play fighting fun, but Klaus looks ready to kill you and we're supposed to be best friends now. We've killed people with Klaus not once, but twice!" She says excitedly while clapping happily. Really, she's rather proud about that fact. Yay them. Besides it was fun!

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