Chapter 49 - Blanket Fort Parties and Killing Spree's

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Mikaelson Manson

It was the next morning and she just felt so warm here, one this weird pillow. I yawn loudly and I try to roll over and bump into someone else. I feel fingers run through my hair then and I glance up, I see Kai.

"Kai?" I mumble quietly. My brows scrunched up, last night wasn't a weird dream then?

"Hello Elena." Kai says cheekily. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, now shush, I'm going back to bed you wacko." I mumble as I snuggle back into him.

"Don't you have people to call for the party your throwing?" Tyler mumbles out beside me.

I sigh tiredly "yeah, do you think Marcel can learn to just teleport over?"

"Unfortunately love I don't think he's capable of that." Klaus says from somewhere in the room.

"Well, there goes all my hopes and dreams." I mumble.

"Hey! What about us Lena?" Damon asks from the right somewhere.

"What about you? I give you hugs. You just need to give me teleportation" I say with a yawn.

"Well, I'm sure that'd be soo easy "Kol says sarcastically.

"I love sarcasm in the morning." I say with a sleepy groan.

"I'm sure you eat if for breakfast then?" Tyler asks with a sleepy chuckle.

"No, we got married last year, it was a private affair." I say with another yawn.

Kai huffs "you better not have married anything Elena. You're ours you know."

"You're lucky I like you enough not to hit you in the face Kai." I tell him with another yawn "so comfy and so tried, leave me here to die."

Klaus huff again and he comes over and lifts me up fireman style and I groan. "I would fight you and freak out about you carrying me like this but I want more nap."

I didn't see it but I'm pretty sure Klaus rolled his eyes at me as he says "Come on love, Up you get."

"You seem rather eager to see Marcel, I'm surprised" I say as he puts me down. "If you try to hurt him I'll throw frying pans at you, the nice and heavy cast iron ones, until you apologize." I tell him while looking him in the eyes.

He puts his hands up in surrender with that adorable smirk of his "I promise I will not hurt him in anyway except with my words"

I sigh "Alright, good enough I guess." I give him a quick peck on the cheek and then I look for my phone so that I can call everyone.

I find it hidden in the couch cushions "aha! I found you my phone. Now I must use you to begin world domination via Blanket Fort Parties and possible Killing Sprees!" I say excitedly.

"You had me at world domination and killing spree love." Klaus says at the same time Kol says "You had me at killing spree darling."

"Me too, just let me kill people." Kai nods in agreement.

"We're killing people?" Damon says excitedly as he walks into the room "I've been dying to kill someone!"

"Maybe." I reply just as Tyler walks in.

"are we killing people before or after the party?" Tyler asks curiously as he looks me over.

"After, during, in between? We'll see." I say. "Unless you guys have a preference. My only preference is they have to be harmful to other people, I don't care if we go to a big city and take out a mob or something so long as they're not good people." I tell them.

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