Chapter 10 - Real or a Dream? Noah's Annoying

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Gilbert Residence
3rd POV

Jeremy is sketching at the dining table to pass the time, pizza should be arriving soon. The doorbell rings and Jeremy gets up to answer it. A pizza delivery guy is on the front porch.

Noah looks around and sees the girl Elena's brother "Hey. It's gonna be $22." He says as he pulls pizza out of the bag.

Jeremy looks at him and opens the door and yells up the stairs "Elena, I need the money! Uh, Just put it on the table. Please"

Jeremy walks back into the dining room then.

The young man stands on the front porch still unable to enter the house because he wasn't invited in. He didn't have much choice but to just stand there on the porch.

Elena hurry's down the stairs, careful not to trip or fall, she died/or fell in to a coma by falling down stairs. "Hi. Um, keep the change.
Elena hands him $50 to Noah who takes it but as her fingers touch him he grabs her hand

Noah looks at her and says "Thanks. But how's about you invite me inside?" He asks her looking into her eyes.

She yanks her hand out of his quickly and says "Not even if you paid me, you can't walk past the threshold yourself then you can stay the hell out" then she slams the door in his face.

She pulls out her cell phone and calls Damon feeling annoyed, "Hey Day, Noah was here, he delivered the pizza, he wasn't invited in but he tried to compel his way in."

"Alright, alright calm down Lena, you're sure that he wasn't invited in right?" He asked sounding a bit worried.
Gilbert Residence

"Positive, Neither Jeremy or Jenna will invite anyone into the house, if they can't get through the threshold without being invited in then they aren't allowed in." I say matter of factly.

"Good, good, I'll be there soon to scope out the area to make sure he's really gone okay?" Damon asks me.

"Yeah, yeah, I guess I'm just going to have to find some way to keep a stake on me at all times now just to be safe. See you soon Day." I hang up the phone and I go find my yarn stash and start working on bag for my stakes.

It's not a perfect solution but I'll do. It'll be shaped for like a phone bag or a dice bag but baggers can't be choosers.

About an hour later it's done and I line with with some fabric so that the stake won't slip through it. By the time it's finished it's been two hours.

I hear the front door open and i then know that Damon is here, since it took so long my guess is Stefan is here too.

Jeremy and Aunt Jenna are already asleep since it's late so it's just me going down to see the boys.

I stand at the bottom of the stairs and look at the brothers and I look between them and say sheepishly while looking at my feet, god this is embarrassing "Hey"

"Hey" both boys say.

"Did you already check out the area?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, there was no one around though so afterwards he must of just left." Damon says.

I let out a sigh and say "Alright, well at least he can't get in right?"

Both boys nod then Stefan asks "Do you want one of us to stay here?"

I blink at him. . . Ugh. I smile a little and say "Thank you, but I'll be fine okay Stef?

He hesitantly nods, what? He doesn't think I can stay safe in a house that the only two vamps that are invited in is both of them? Unless they plan on becoming deadly to me of course. Which is actually possible, if that happens then I'll just put the house in only Jeremy's name.

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