Chapter 25 - Full Moon again and Caroline breaks up with Matt

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Salvatore Boarding House
3rd POV Saturday

It's early Saturday morning and Caroline's phone goes off again. She picks it up and see's that it's Matt so she ignores it.

Stefan looks at her as she sets it down looking s bit annoyed "Matt again?" He asks her, he can't help but feel annoyed by Matt too. Okay so maybe he's really annoyed with Matt because he basically just found out that they're mates and he knows that Caroline can't feel it yet.

She sighs "yeah, I just don't understand it."

"What?" Stefan asks confused.

"Why he acts like he loves me, like how he keeps calling me now, but then . .he speaks to me and it makes me feel so bad about myself." She says. Thinking about all the times they've talked, how sometimes he'll say something and it just makes her feel like crap.

Stefan moves over to her on the couch and holds her as she tears up while running his fingers through her hair mumbling words to make her feel better.

"Do you want to stay with him?" He asks her.

She thinks about it really thinks about it and lets out a sigh. "No, I. . I want to be with someone who will really want me. Not someone who will make me feel badly if we talk."

Stefan nods. Now he just needs to take his time and show her that he can be there for her. That he won't make the mistake of letting her go or thinking she's shallow or not good enough again.
Gilbert Residence

We had breakfast not to long ago and now Tyler is upstairs doing something and Alaric and Aunt Jenna are goofing off in the kitchen. Sort of anyways. I swear if they had water guns they'd be running around like children.

A knock sounds at the door and I open it up "Hello?" I look the guy over. Looks like Mason.

"Hi" He says shifting around awkwardly.

I turn my head a yell out "Tyler, your Uncle is here." Then I turn back to him and say "he'll be down soon I'm sure. Coming in Mase?" I ask I turn and walk into the living room.

I sit down and he sits down on the opposite as he waits. "You met katherine last night." He says. Ohh a blunt one!

"Yup, and it was marvelous." I tell him, it probably sounded sarcastic and okay it sort of was. But it's also true. I had fun.

He's looking at me curiously. "She said you threatened her."

I shrug "Maybe, but she totally looked high. Can vampires even get high?"

Mason now looks thoughtful with his hand on his chin and says "You know. . . I have no idea. Huh."

"Hmm, we'll have to investigate someday." I tell him.

He shakes his head with smile on his face as he says "I can see why he likes you."

I raise an eyebrow and snort then say "it's because I'm hilarious"

Tyler comes walking down the stairs "Hey Uncle Mason."

"Ready to go running?" Mason asks Tyler.

"I have to get on my shoes first." Tyler tells his uncle as he heads to the shoes.

I humm to myself as we wait.

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