Chapter 33 - Kidnapped by sadistic Wolves

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Mystic Falls Wooded Area
3rd POV

Brady and his pack have arrived in town, sorta. He knows they'll have to scope out the area to get a better idea of who or what they're dealing with around here. Which means scoping it out.

Brady walks up to James "We need to scope out the area, then go to this Grill place and see if we can find mason or his nephew."

"On it. I'll get a border set up here too." James says as he walks away to see who he can gather to do that.

Mystic Falls High School

I'm wearing a pair of black leggings, blue t shirt, a long beige sweater and my adorable combat boots, that I opt to wear with basically everything. I have my hair braided to the side and no makeup except eyeliner one.

Right now I know Elijah is just hanging around the area from what I've heard.

Caroline and Stefan are making eyes at each other during class! Adorable right? But it's also eww. . . Adorable Ewws haha. But I'm glad they're together.

Bonnie is texting with a smile. Maybe Elijah? They were getting on pretty well. Hopefully she finds happiness in this version of reality. I mean dream. In this version of dream. Whatever.

I'm walking to my locker when Tyler comes up behind me and taps my side with his finger and I jump.

The brats laughing at me now. I roll my eyes and grab my things "You surprised me is all."

In between laughs he says "I know, But you've never gotten surprised before."

I shrug with a smile "It happens. I normally hear or notice it coming like a sixth sense or something. ." I turn and start heading outside. Tyler follows beside me.

"Are you heading straight home?" He asks curious as we head out the doors.

"Yeah, I gotta see Jeremy for a bit and then I'm free to do whatever I guess. He's really liking the online schooling." I tell him with a smile.

"Will you meet me and Damon at the Grill?" He asks me hopefully as I continue my walk towards my car.

I raise an eyebrow and ask "I'm surprised you two are getting along so well."

He shrugs "We have a common interest." He says simply.

I raise an eyebrow at him and shrug. It's none of my business so I ask "Have you seen your Mom and Father lately?"

Tyler nods "Yeah, I go by and talk to my mom a lot. My dad, I don't normally stay and visit him long to be honest. He's been trying to get me to move back home."

I nod in understanding. "Are you going to? Move back home?" I ask curiously.

He looks down a bit uncomfortable and I frown "I thought about it." He begins saying, "but I don't want to leave your place. If that's alright."

I nod "Well, as long as your safe and happy." Besides he hasn't tried to hurt Jeremy since, well, awhile now.

"I'll see you soon then Lena" Tyler says as he walks off to his truck.

I get in my car and take a deep breath, I hate cars. I hate driving. Can't we just teleport yet? Pouty face.

I start the car up and head home.
Gilbert Residence

I arrive at the house, turn off the car and go into the house.

I see John sitting at the table ready "Daddy" I greet him simply.

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