Chapter 41 - So, I'm a Ghost now?

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Prison World Somewhere

As HE rushes at her she bursts into loud laughter as he launches through her. She sighs and then claps like a child with a giggle "Do it again! Do it again!"

"Who sent you?" The man glares and asks menacingly as he advances on my ghostliness.

"The Gods of Old." I reply without thinking. Hehe. Funny stuff. The tree outside thinks it makes sense. Whatever that means.

"What?" He asks looking awfully confused as hell. I don't blame him. I'm confused too. Poor guy. All alone. Sorta.

"Yeah, you know, those people." I tell him flatly.

The man scoffs looking awfully annoyed "if you weren't a ghost I'd enjoy killing you over and over again."

I snort and say mockingly "if you weren't a ghost I'd enjoy killing you over and over again, blah blah blah." Then I say flatly "Death threats are boring. Try something new, go swimming naked or with all your clothes on or something."

The man smirks smugly and I groan as he asks "You want to see me naked?"

I burst into laughter and shake my head "God no. But I'll wear a blindfold and push your naked ass into the water."

He scowls and crosses his arms angrily. "Do you know who I am?" He asks me aggressively.

I shrug and I tell him "if it's the prison world as you said then you're probably that uh 'Kai' guy but eh, I'm just calling you 'He' or 'The man' currently. I can upgrade you to a name I suppose but it'll cost you blood and sweat and possibly random fun at least"

The man scoffs while looking over me and he sneers at me "You're a rather attractive ghost."

I snort and then giggle and I can't fucking stop!!!

He scowls "Don't laugh at me. I'm just observing you."

In between laughs I gasp out "I'm . . . Sorry. . . . It's just . . . Sooo . . . Funny." And I burst into a large laugh again.

"I want to strangle you until you turn blue." He says with his eyes dark and angry.

After I settle down after a few minutes I wave him off with a bored scoff "You're no fun. Find something original, or at least do it during an amazing dominating fuck or something. I suppose I could try to introduce you to the bubble system though."

He raises an eyebrow at me and says sharply "You want me to fuck you? I could do that to you with a blunt knife."

I shrug. "Kinky, fucked up sure, but kinky. Cuddles to you and I grant you a personal bubble."

He rolls his eyes looking annoyed and says "I think you mean kudos Little Girl and what bubble are you speaking of?"

I roll my eyes "I am not little, I'm adorable sized. Compact and cute, I am just not small enough to put into a purse. Oh and a bubble is a certain radius around yourself that you want everyone else to stay out of."

"I'd say you're more annoying sized." He comments. "I'd rather be killing you then worrying about any bubbles."

I shrug "been there, done that thrice. Besides, I'm not opposed to trying to die again but right now I'm sort of transparent."

"Thrice huh? Tell me about them." He says with his arms crossed eyeing me curiously.

"Well the first time I was walking up the stairs to get my kids. . Then After that I apparently dimension traveled eventually I was drained of my blood and then the last time I was sacrificed." I tell him vaguely

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