Chapter 8 - Meeting Alaric, Girl time and Logan what?

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Gilbert Residence

Okay, so Stefan and Damon have been overprotective since our trip to New Orleans, they were over yesterday to make sure I didn't do anything 'reckless' because apparently you're not supposed to speak your mind and tell someone that they're an asshole if they're stronger then you or some bullshit like that.

Unfortunately, I'll always tell someone if I think they're an asshole for better or worse regardless. Just like I informed both boys that they're 'being annoying overprotective brats.' Yes BRATS.

I'm up early because I have school . .honestly I'm just glad that I'm taking enough art classes to make me feel somewhat happy about going.

Today I'm wearing a pair of flared pants with holes in them and a green tank top top with one of my brothers zipper hoodies and a pair of combat boots. Besides . . .Guy sweater = bigger = more comfort and I also won't have to worry about being leered at so much.

"JERE, it's time to get ready for school." I say as I walk down the hall. Besides I am actually going to get Caroline her vervain tattoo today, lord knows her mom isn't protecting her. .

Maybe I'll even make Lockwood get one, but then I'd probably make him suspicious so I may have to not do that.

"Hey Lena" Jeremy says while walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Jere-bear." I say all chirpy as I'm trying to teach Aunty Jenna how to cook breakfast.

We already mixed the ingredients so that's good.
Oh good lord. "No Aunty, you don't try to flip it yet, it hasn't even been on the pan for a minute yet." I say exasperated. "Wait until the top starts to bubble a little bit Aunty."

"Okay, okay, I can learn this, I can do this, I'm just learning to cook from my niece who is actually 28 plus 17 sorta years old yeah, that's what I'm doing, I got this" she says while trying to encourage herself.

Me and Jeremy look at each other and try muffle our laughter. She looks at us and playfully narrows her eyes and says "I'm watching you two."

Then we both can't help but burst into laughter. God we love her!

After a few minutes all the pancakes are done and we've eaten. Me and Jere have our bags and now we're ready for school! Yahoo. . . Not really... but yeah.

I had already let Caroline and Bonnie know that after school I plan on taking them both somewhere.
Mystic Falls High School

I arrived at the school. Quietly I'm singing I Will Follow by Art of Dying as I'm walking to my locker, of course I'm aware that Stefan isn't to far away and can hear me and possibly Lockwood since for some reason once I arrived two minutes ago he's practically attached himself to my side.

Maybe I should get a baby carrier to lug him around in.

Considering I've been ignoring him since he did so I'll admit that I'm quite surprised that he's still beside me.

Then again that's probably why Stefan has a scowl on his face. He just can't let someone else walk with his almost exact Katherine faced replica (considering my eyes and hair are a different color because I died and now I'm her or something.)

I open my locker and turn slightly as I get my things in, and Lockwood is still there. Hmm. I stop singing quietly and put my things away. I turn to him fully with my hand on my hip and curiously ask "Do you need something Lockwood?"

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