How you met

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You and Mirio have been best friend since childhood, he is older than you by two years.

You just moved to this neighborhood, it was a calm one. You were about 4 years old, you ask your mom if you guys can go to a park near by, she agrees.

Y/n: Come on mommy! *Grins*

M/n: (Y/n) how are you able to run fast! You have small legs! *Laughs*

Once you made it to the park you saw some kids there. You got a bit nervous you haven't made any friends yet since you moved here like 2 weeks ago.

M/n: Don't be shy love, go make friends *Smiles*

Y/n: R-Right.

Your mom ended up talking to this guy. You slowly walked to the swings and sat on one of them. You looked around and saw kids playing with each other. A wave of loneliness hit you.

Y/n: 'this sucks'

Just then you felt someone push you off the swing, you fell off of it. I looked to see who pushed me off and it was some random girl and a boy.

Y/n: H-Hey! *Frowns*

Girl: Sorry but loners aren't allowed on the swings *Snickers*

Y/n: whatever *Frowns*

Boy: that's right go away you loser

You stood up and dusted off the dirt on your shorts and just glared at them.

Girl: What are you looking at!

The girl and guy can closer and pushed me back down to the floor.

Y/n: *Growls*

???: HEY! Leave her alone

You looked to see a blonde boy with blue eyes, the kids didn't move.

Boy: What are you going to do *Smirks*

???: Well either I fight you or I can tell on you *Grins*

Y/n: 'Seriously'

Girl: Ah we're sorry Mirio!

The 2 kids ran off and the blonde boy walked towards you. He held his hand out and smiled, I took his hand and he lifted me up.

???: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah I am thank you for the save *Smiles*

???: Of course! IM MIRIO TOGATA by the way but you can call me Mirio

He gave me a closed eye smile, I couldn't help but smile.

Y/n: I'm (Y/n) (L/n), you can call me (Y/n) *Smiles*

Mirio: It's nice to meet you (Y/n) *Grins*

Over the years you and Mirio became amazing along with Amajiki. The 3 of you where really close and always did things together. You and Mirio where the closest.

But that all stop when Mirio and Amajiki has to go to high school. They were accepted to U.A high, the greatest school.

Y/n: Do you guys really have to go

Mirio: It's our chance to become pro hero's! *Smiles*

Amajiki: Y-Yeah

Y/n: I see, please don't forget about me

I looked at them with tears in my eye. They looked at me with sadness, and they came and hugged me.

Amajiki: of course not *Smiles*

Mirio: we would never forget about you (N/n) *Grins*

He wiped me tears away and hugged me again, and he made a stupid face I couldn't help but laugh. We hanged out that whole day and they walked me home.

Y/n: I'll be supporting you guys *Smiles*

Amajiki: T-Thank you (N/n)

Mirio looked at me with that stupid smile, but that stupid smile always brightens up my mood.

Mirio Togata x Reader Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now