He gets jealous

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Mirio isn't one to get Jealous but when you hug another guy or a guy gets all touchy he will do something about it. He will mostly be all clingy

Like the time when Todoroki smiled and started to freak out because some fan girls fainted. I hugged him to calm down it took a while, after I explained what happened he got a bit embarrassed.

Mirio on the other hand was not having it after Todoroki left he smothered you with kisses you were confused at first but then figured it out. Todoroki is now a exception he finally stop being jealous of all the times you hugged the boy. He gave up knowing Todoroki is your best friend and you wouldn't stop hugging him.

Or like that other time when Everyone decide to go to the arcade together....

Today Class 1-A we were going out to have fun. We decided to the arcade. Mirio, Nejire and Amajiki where coming with us too.

I decided to wear some shorts and a casual shirt. Mirio and the others were coming a bit late so we decided to just go and play. I was going to do that but Kaminari pulled me aside

Y/n: Kaminari are you okay?

Kaminari: Um well....I need some advice for something?

I looked around and saw Mirio and the others. Midoriya went to talk to them and I saw Mirio look at me I just smiled at him. I then turn my face to Kaminari he was pink.

Y/n: Sure what's up?

Kaminari: Well you see I....I want advise on how I can capture a girls heart *Blushes*

I looked at him shocked, he's usually flirting with random pretty girls and now he wants to settle down.

Y/n: I did not expect that *Giggles* well 1 don't flirt with them give her compliments and I guess tell her how you really feel. *Smiles*

Kaminari: Sounds easy enough! *Smiles*

I saw him looking at Jiro, I then looked at him. I started to think what way I can embarrass him.

Y/n: If you keep staring I'm sure your eyes are going to fall off *Giggles*

Kaminari: W-What!! *Blushes*

I started to tease him. It didn't really affect him that much. I looked around to see Mirio looking at us well mostly glaring at Kaminari.

Little did they know Mirio was start to get a bit uncomfortable. He started to get a bit flustered and stopped paying attention to Midoriya.

Y/n: Why are you looking at me that way

Kaminari: Just wondering something *Smirks*

He out one arm around you and this made Mirio flinch a bit and started to clench his fist. He saw that Kaminari whispered something to you ear and you started to blush like crazy.

Y/n: T-That is none of your concern *Blushes*

Kaminari: Im guessing you guys haven't by the look in your face *Smirks*

I started to blush like crazy it was a really embarrassing thing to talk about especially to a guy. I then saw Mirio come to us he had this weird look on his face. Kaminari backed up a bit he seemed scared.

Mirio: Hey there Sunshine *Smiles*

Y/n: Hey Love! *Smiles*

I went to hug him and kissed his cheek he was still glaring at Kaminari it took me a while to figure out why. Kaminari ended up leaving, them Mirio started to kiss me.

Mirio: Mine *Growls*

I started to blush I then realized he was jealous, it was pretty adorable he started to pout like a kid and hugged me tight.

Y/n: Aww don't be jealous he was just asking me for advice *Giggles*

Mirio: didn't seem like it *Pouts*

Y/n: you know your the only one *Smiles*

I kiss him again, the kiss was full of love and passion. Mirio was holding me tight as if I was going to leave.

Y/n: I'm not leaving *Smiles*

Its really adorable when he's jealous he starts acting like a child and gets needy.

Y/n: your so cute when your jealous

Mirio: I just didn't like that way he was making you laugh and how he put his arm around you....

He got all flustered, his cheeks got pink. I decided to tease him a bit. I got closer to his face and then closer to his lips. When he leaned in I then kissed his cheeks.

Mirio: H-hey!

I started to laugh his face was all red, I couldn't stop laughing. The he grabbed me and kissed me a bit roughly.

Mirio: You missed *Grins*

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