You walk in on him

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A while back I met Nejire she and the boys are close friends. She is a really sweet and talkative girl. Mirio invite us to his house to watch some movies I was running a bit late. I made it to his house and Nejire open the door.

Y/n: Hello *Smiles*

Nejire: HI (Y/n) How are you?!? What took you so long?!? *Smiles*

Y/n: I'm good and uh traffic? *Smiles*

I entered and we made our way to the couch where Amajiki is. After a while I was wondering where Mirio was.

Y/n: Wheres Mirio?

Amajiki: I-I think hes in his room

Nejire: HES taking FOREVER, you should go get him!!! *Smiles*

Y/n: Alright *Chuckles*

I made my way to his room. I wanted to surprise him so I didn't knock. I Open his door and made my way in.


He turned around and he was shirtless. My eyes widen and I went out the door. Now I couldn't get his body out of my head. He is really muscular I could see his abs, pecs and biceps. I started to blush like crazy.

Y/n: I-I'm s-sorry, um we will start the movie *Blushes*

I heard him through the door he was laughing I could help but blush more.

Mirio: it's alright (Y/n) let me finish changing! *Chuckles*

I made my way to the others and my face was still red. They gave me a questionable look.

Nejire: Are you okay?

Amajiki: Y-Your face is red.

Y/n: I'm fine j-just thought of something hehe, Mirio is coming down in a bit.

They nodded and Nejire started the movie. A few minutes passed and Mirio came.

Nejire: ABOUT TIME *Pouts*

Mirio: *Laughs* sorry I was doing something

He looked at me and I quickly looked away it was embarrassing. He ended up sitting between me and Amajiki. I couldn't help but blush more, he looked at me and laughed a bit.

Mirio: No need to be shy (Y/n) I forgive you

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