He sees you in your hero costume

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It was hero basic training time. We were sparring with one another. I am with Kirishima, we kept giving each other advise to see what we could do better.

Y/n: and with that you can pin that your opponent

Kirishima: I-I see, Y-Your really good.

Y/n: Thanks I....learned from the best *Smiles*

Kirishima: can you let go of me know? *Chuckles*

Y/n: Oh! Crap sorry

I gave him a awkward smile he just laughed a bit. I helped him up from the floor and we started to get to our fighting stance.

Aizawa: (L/n)! I need to talk to you

Y/n: I'm going sir!

I looked at Kirishima and he nodded he was giving me his signature goofy grin. I made my way to Mr. Aizawa

Y/n: What is it sir?

Aizawa: I want you to take this folder to All Might

Y/n: Ah! alright *Smiles*

He already knows that All Might is my dad. I guess he didn't want the other to make conversation with him and get out of training. I left the gym and made my way to the office. As I entered I saw some teacher they waved at me and I waved back. Then I saw my dad he was reading some papers. He was in his original form.

Y/n: Hey Dad! *Smiles*

All Might: Ah! Hello there sweetheart! *Smiles*

I hugged him and of course he hugged me back and kissed my temple. I started to laugh and he smiled and laughed as well.

Y/n: Oh! Um Mr. Aizawa wanted me to give you this folder.

All Might: All right thank you sweetie *Smiles* now hurry along and go back to class

Y/n: Alright bye see you at home

I gave him a closed eye smiled and hugged him. He laughed a bit and patted my head.

All Might: See you later sweetheart, and you look fantastic with you costume *Smiles*

Y/n: Aww thanks dad *Grins*

As I walked out the door I heard Midnight say something.

Midnight: You and your daughter have a amazing relationship

All Might: Shes the only things that keeps me going, she's my beacon of hope, I will always be there for her. She's the reason why I am here

That almost made me tear up, his kind words. Dad really loves me a lot, and I do too. I started to go back to the gym and on my way I saw Mirio come out of the restroom. He looked at me with wide eyes and smiled.


Y/n: Ah! Thanks Mirio *Smiles*

Mirio: Wow.......I-I love it suits you. You look really pretty!

His face was a bit pink, I couldn't help but blush a bit at his kind word. I smiled at him and hugged him.

Y/n: Thank you Mirio *Smiles*

Mirio: Only saying the truth *Grins*

Y/n: Ah! Well I need to go back to class see you later!

I started to run back to class I looked behind me to see him smiling and waving.

Mirio: By (Y/n)! *Grins*

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