When IT comes to visit

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It was that time of the month, You had horrible cramps. Uraraka came to your house to see if you were alright she helped you out the best she could.

Y/n: thanks, you don't need to help me you know

Uraraka: Of course I do you're my best friend plus I know how it feels.

I smiled, she ended up leaving due to her helping out her parent I didn't mind I know her troubles. Mirio texted me asking if I wanted to hang out. I said I couldn't and told him what's happening.

The only people at my house was my mom, my dad well he went to help Midoriya out I was supposed to go but I told him what was wrong, he kissed my forehead and promise to bring me chocolate when I came back. I couldn't help but laugh.

Time passed and I ended up watching Netflix and relaxed.

M/n: (Y/n) you have a visitor.

I was confused did Uraraka come back, well we could watch some shows.

Y/n: You can let them in mom

M/n: Alright *Smiles*

She closed the door and the door opened again it was Mirio. My eyes widen

Y/n: W-What are you doing here?!?

Mirio: Well you said you were in pain so I went it the store and got you some stuff *Smiles*

I blushed a bit, he is always so sweet, he sat down on my bed and handed me a bag. It was filled with some painkillers and junk food. I couldn't help but smile.


Mirio: Thats the way I am*Smiles*

Y/n: Thank you Lemillion *Giggles*

He smiled at me and we started to watch Netflix on my Tv. I hugged him and he hugged me back

Mirio: Anytime (Y/n) *Grins*

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