You spend time with him

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After you guys finally reunited he ask if you wanted to go somewhere, you of course said yes. Now here you are looking around finding something to wear because he was coming in 10 minutes.

You ended up wearing some black ripped jeans and a white crop top. Once you finish you texted your dad saying you were going out.

You heard a knock and your door and saw Mirio there. You hugged him and smiled.

Mirio: Well hello there *Chuckles*

Y/n: Hiii! *Giggles*

Mirio: Are you ready to go?

Y/n: YUP! *Grins*

Mirio: Alright! *Smiles*

He grabbed my hand and we started to run. I was curious on where he was taking me.

Y/n: Where are we going?

Mirio: I was planning to go to a ice cream shop, then go to the park and after that go eat somewhere *Grins*

Y/n: That sound good *Smiles*

Once we got to the ice cream shop we got our favorite ice cream flavor (Mines is mint and chip what about yours?) I was going to pay for mines. But he beat me to it.

Y/n: you know I could have payed for mines *Glares*

Mirio: Y-Yeah but I invited you out so I'll be paying *Smiles*

Y/n: Aren't you a gentleman *Giggles*

He just smiled, that cheesy smile. It really brightens me up. After we got our ice cream we went to the park. We sat in a bench and started to catch up on what happen the pass years.

Y/n: how's Amajiki?

Mirio: he is great he wanted to come with us today but unfortunately he was busy

Y/n: aww man I wanted to see him again his shyness is so adorable *Giggles*

He laughed a bit, we stayed at the Park for about a hour or so, talking about school and our life. We left the park and went to this place where they gave out good food.

We use to eat there when we were little it's been a while. We kept on talking about our favorite hero's and our quirks. It was fun, we then headed out.

He started to walk me home and of course we kept talking. We made it to my house it was probably 7pm now. We spent the whole day together, sucked that it had to end.

Y/n: Well I guess this is good bye *Chuckles*

Mirio: don't worry we'll do this again plus we'll see each other at school! *Smiles*

It was true I was happy, I had a fun day I would love to do it again.

Y/n: thanks for today Mirio I had lots of fun *Smiles*

Mirio: OF COURSE ANYTIME! *Smiles*

I went to hug him, it sucks that he's really tall, he hugged me back.

Y/n: I'll see you in Monday *Smile*

I kissed his cheek and head towards the door I turn around and waved at him he was smiling like the goofball he is. I would always kiss his cheek as a thank you, he never minded.

Mirio: I'll see you in Monday.... *Smiles*

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