When you guys blush

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Right know I was with Mirio, he came to pick me up from my house we were heading to this restaurant that all 4 of us wanted to try, Amajiki and Nejire were already wait for us. I was pretty excited to try the new food.

On the way there I couldn't help but notice Mirio kept looking at me. It made me blush a lot, ever since I finally figured out my feelings for him I would get kind nervous around him.

Mirio: Here (N/n) for you *Smiles*

He gave me a red rose, my face heated up I couldn't form any words. I was a blushing mess and it didn't help that he was smiling.

Y/n: T-Thank you Mirio *Smiles*

I got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek, I notice he got a bit pink I laughed a bit and pinched his cheeks.

Y/n: Aren't you adorable....Come on let's go we don't want the others waiting

Mirio: Right! *Grins*

He scooped me up and started to run I wrapped on to his arms around his neck holding on and started to laugh. At the same time I was blushing our faces were really close together. He looked at me and smiled his cheeks were dusted in a pink tint.

Neijre: Aww look at you love bird

Amajiki: *Smiles*

I was a blushing mess again I couldn't form any words. So I ended up laughing awkwardly, Mirio out me down and I looked at him and his face was a bit red.

Y/n: Were not dating *Giggles*

In reality I wish we were but for now I am in this position.

Amajiki: W-we should g-get going

Mirio: R-Right! *Grins*

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