A awkward moment with him

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It was another day and Mirio invited me to go to the park with him this time Amajiki was going to be with us.

I was really excited to see Amajiki. I heard I knock on my door and went to Open it was Mirio and Amajiki.

Y/n: AMAJIKI! *Smiles*

I went to him and hugged him tight he hugged me back as well. He showed me his adorable smile.

Amajiki: H-Hi (Y/n) it's been a-awhile

Y/n: It has I missed you

Amajiki: so did I *Smiles*

Mirio: Well lets get going shall we *Smiles*

We started to walk to our favorite ice cream shop. Me and Amajiki got a table while Mirio went to order our ice cream's. When Mirio Came back Amajiki left.

Amajiki: I-I'm going to the r-restroom

Y/n: Alright *Smiles*

Once Amajiki left Me and Mirio started to talk about our classes. Till a girl came I was confused did they invite someone else. She kissed his cheek it was kinda awkward did he have a girlfriend.

Girl: Hi babe

Mirio: I think you have the wrong person

He laughed awkwardly, so I'm guessing he doesn't, the girl looked at me and glared.

Girl: Who is she?

Mirio: She is a amazing friend of mine. *Winks*

Girl: I see

She started to kiss him, I felt really uncomfortable and Mirio did so as well.

Y/n: I'm sorry but who are you?

Girl: I'm (R/n) girlfriend of course

Y/n: his name is Mirio lady, and you are making him uncomfortable can you please leave

The girl looked shock and looked at his face she finally noticed and apologize a lot. Her face was all red.

Mirio: It's alright just be more careful next time *Smiles*

Girl: Of course, just to let you know your lips are really soft and you are really cute

I started to cough it was really awkward, Mirio looked at me shyly.

Mirio: Ah thanks for the compliment *Chuckles*

The girl stood there for a while I guess she wanted a compliment back. After a while she sighed and left, I looked a Mirio he still looked shocked.

It was quite for a while, the awkwardness was intense.

Mirio: That was weird *Laughs*

Y/n: Didn't know you had a girlfriend *Giggles*

Mirio: I DONT! *Laughs*

Amajiki came back a few minutes later, I looked at Mirio and smirked he started to shake his head.

Y/n: Amajiki wanna year and interesting story *Smirks*

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