When you get hurt

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So here you are looking at your arm thinking at what happened. Your dad and Midoriya are next to you worried while Recovery Girl start to fix you up. Unfortunately you still had to wear a cast for at least a week Recovery girl did want to take up all your energy. You may be wondering how you broke your arm well....

Today i was training with my dad and Midoriya, everything was going good till I decided to challenge my dad on a one on one battle. He was hesitating at first because he didn't want to hurt me. I kept bugging him and pleading till he gave in.


All Might: No I don't want to hurt you I'll just use One for all at 60 percent, a bit more than you.

Y/n: *Sighs* fine 5 more percent is still challenging, ALRIGHT LET START!

I got into my stance and started to charge at him, he kept dodging my moves. While Midoriya was all excited and making mental notes. I ended up getting a bit tired and then my dad started to move.

Y/n: THATS more like it! *Grins*

I kept blocking his every move but he got me once or twice. I started to get fired up and well I used more of One for all than I was supposed to, I ended up using 80 percent and I hit my dad but...


I stop and so did my dad, my eyes widen, then pain took over my arm.

Y/n: ow! Ow! OW! OW!

My dad and Midoriya came running to me, they started to freak it especially my dad I think he thinks he hurt me.

Midoriya: W-What H-Happen?!?

Y/n: W-Well I *Groans* a-accidentally used OW! O-One for All more than I was s-supposed to *Groans*

My dad Sighed I'm relieved and picked me up, he quickly took my to Recovery Girl with Midoriya behind us. Once we saw her she looked at us with disappointment and we just gave her a awkward smile.

Recovery Girl: Oh Boy

So that's what happened, Recovery girl finished and looked at all 3 of us.

Recovery Girl: *Sighs* you 3 never learn do you

We all laughed awkwardly, and put our heads down but what can we say.

Y/n: I-It's my fault I used more of One for All than I was supposed to by accident

I laughed awkwardly and she just smiled at me, my dad put his hand on my head and started to ruffle my hair.

All Might: I thought I hurt you I would have never forgiven myself for that

Midoriya: now you know what I went through *Laughs*

When I went to school the next day Uraraka started to freak out and asking me if I was Okay. I had to calm her down, when Todoroki came he started to Panic a little it was amusing to see him like this.

Todoroki: A-Are you alright?!? What happened?

Y/n: I was training and I broke my arm, it's alright no big deal. *Grins*

Todoroki: Who were you training with? *Frowns*

Uraraka: YEAH! Who hurt you?!?

Now I started to panic, I had to make something up quick.

Y/n: Relax I was training by myself and I accidentally hurt my arm while doing this move no need to worry.

I hugged both of them and they both relax but now I started to get scolded by them.
              /////////////Time Skip//////////////

I made my way out of the restroom and after walking a bit I was met by a worried Mirio.

Y/n: 'Oh boy'


He looked really worried and scared I felt really bad for worrying him

Y/n: I'm fine Mirio just broke my arm hehe...

Mirio: W-Who hurt you *Frowns*

Y/n: No one I was training by myself and I did this move and well yeah this happened

I laughed awkwardly and looked at me to see if I was lying I mean I didn't really lie I did hurt my self.

Mirio: I see I-I'm just glad to see your alright

I went to hug him always caring about others, always so sweet too. He looked at me and smile and hugged me tight and then started to spin me around I started to laugh.

Y/n: Always such a softy *Giggles*

Mirio: I care to much about you *Smiles*

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