An Embarrassing Moment pt. 2

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Your cousin Liam came to visit and he came with your niece Lily. You guys started to walking around town.

Liam: Man it is so good to be here, it's been a while.

Y/n: it has, so how is hero duty

Liam: It's pretty stressful but good I have to keep Lily out of trouble *Chuckles*

Liam is only 5 years older than me he had Lily at a young age, his girlfriend left him with Lily and he had to work really hard to take care of her, me and Liam are close we would always play together. My dad and mom help him as much as they can, they really love him.

Lily: I'm hungry

Liam: Ah right away my princess *Smiles*

Y/n: anything you guys are craving?

Liam: is that one burger place still open?

Y/n: Yes lets go! *Smiles*

We headed toward the burger place and we sat down in one of the booths, a waitress came and took out order I saw Liam eyeing her, she is really beautiful and looks like his age. Once we order she left to get out drinks. I looked at him and smirked

Liam: What?

Y/n: Oh nothing *Snickers*

The waiter came back and gave us our food and I gave her a piece of paper and smile. Liam looked at me confused.

Liam: What did you give her?

Y/n: your phone number

His reaction was priceless he started to freak out and turn all red. After eating we started to leave and the waitress came back asking him if he would like to hang out he agreed.

Liam: It's been a while since I gone on a date

Y/n: you will do great if it doesn't work out I'll help you find some one else.

We then went to a toy shop so Lily could get some toy. I waited outside for them I didn't want to ruin their father and daughter time.

As I waited I saw Mirio across the street I smiled and waved at him. He started to walk toward me.

Mirio: Hey! What are you doing here? *Smiles*

Y/n: Just waiting for some people *Chuckles*

Mirio: I see...*Grins*

We started to talk and i turn to see Liam and Lily waiting for me. Liam whispered something to Lily's ear and she smiled and nodded. I turn back to Mirio and he was smiling like a idiot. I then heard running and someone jumping on me. I looked to see who it was and it was Lily.


Mirio: M-Mommy?

I almost fainted right there my face grew red out of embarrassment. I looked at Mirio he looked shock, Lily started to hug me. I looked at Liam he was laughing his ass off.

Y/n: Mirio this is Lily my niece, that guy over there is my cousin Liam. She isn't my child and I don't have a child at that

Liam came closer and shook Mirios hand he couldn't stop laughing. I just glared at him

Liam: What you gave my number to a waitress *Chuckles*

Y/n: Mmm BUT I HELPED YOU OUT *Pouts* you didn't have to embarrass me

He just laughed and patted me head he went back inside the store with Lily.

Mirio: I never knew you had a child *Smirks*


Mirio started to laugh my face was still red, I wanted to disappear right then.

Y/n: Whatever

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