I love you

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This is a mix of him thinking your cheating your first argument, you guys make up and your first I love you.

It has been 8 months of you and Mirio dating (This takes place when He and Midoriya see Overhaul for the first time)

I was with White Eye my older brother he took me in for my internship. I was happy I get to spend time with him. We are already really close but now I get to see him more.

White Eye: (Y/n)!

Y/n: Yes sir

White Eye: *Groan* I told you when we're alone to call me Jack! I'm your older brother COME ON!!

Y/n: *Giggles* I know but it's fun

White Eye: Okay Whatever lets go on patrol *Grins*

Y/n: Alright! *Smiles*

White Eye: I like your Hero Costume by the way

Y/n: Aw thanks *Smiles*

While walking I told him about U.A and how I started dating Mirio. He went full protective brother mode, he does know Mirio he has seen him play with me when we were kids but never talked to him.

White Eye: As...long as he's treats you right....I'm....Fine...with it

Y/n: you are really protective! *Giggles*

He went to hug me and started to ruffles my hair while laughing.

White Eye: I am your Brother after all!

Saying that Paparazzi came and start to take Pictures of us and started to ask us questions.

White Eye: Yes I am All Mights child too and She is my little sister.

After a while we heard screaming and we ran past but the Paparazzi. There was a man that was keeping a little boy hostage.

Boy: Please help me *Sobs*

It pained me to see him he was probably 6 years old the guy was huge.

White Eye: Get ready I'll distract the Villain you get the boy.

I nodded and with that he teleported in front of the guy and punched him square in the face. He dropped the boy and I quickly went to him. I grabbed him and started to take him to safety.

I saw my brother fly by me he crashed in to a wall my eyes Widen


I looked behind me and saw the Villain get bigger, he then started to go after me. I started to carry the boy again while dodging the Villains attack, I saw my brother behind me.

Mirio's POV

After we told Sir Nighteye about Overhaul i heard something scream. Me and Midoriya ran to see a huge Villain. I saw (Y/n) with a little boy in her arms the Villain was Chasing her. I ran to help her but the Villain his the ground hard and She ended up crashing to a building. She protected the little boy from harm but it looked like she was in pain.

Mirio: (H/n)! ( (H/n) means hero name)

I started to run to her but she stood up, she hide the boy and jumped and punched the Villain in the face. Then White Eye appeared and started to help her!

Midoriya: Thats Right she's taking her internship with White Eye!

They beat the Villain but after they did the Villain was able to Smacked both of them and they went flying to a building I rushed to her and White Eye.

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