Over the years

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Me and Mirio have been to together for a long time. Eri was able to give him his quirk back. Mirio graduates but that didn't stop us from seeing each other

A few years later we graduated I became on of my brothers side kick for a while. A few more years past I am now 24, and I became the new symbol of peace. I wasn't the only one though Midoriya was one too. We were both number one, because of that me and Midoriya became a duo and share the same Agency.

I was looking through some mail that my fans sent me and I open on of them. It was from the boy I saved 9 years ago Adam. The letter talk about how ever since I saved him he enlisted in U.A to be like me, it really made me happy. He also told me he was a orphan his parent left him with the villain. It really made me sad.

Me and Mirio ended up getting apartment together, our days a pretty casual. He wakes up, he kisses me to wake up, he showers I make breakfast for him, i shower he makes breakfast for me, and we both head off to work.

Y/n: Bye love *Smiles*

Mirio: Good bye sunshine *Grins*

He pulls me in for a kiss and we go to our agency's, it's been 9 years since we been together and everything had been going amazing.

Y/n: Life is good

Mirio Togata x Reader Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now