Your feelings

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I was with the girls and we started to talk about the boys. We started to pick which ones are the cutest and so far there are 3 of them.

Ashido: Bakugo is top 3 in our class

Hagakure: He May be mean but he is pretty handsome.

Ashido: Midoriya is the 2nd on

Uraraka: Y-Yeah

Ashido: Todoroki is definitely number 1!!!

Yaoyorozu: Indeed he is the most powerful one too!

Ashido: YOUR SO LUCKY (N/n) always being with him!! *Whines*

Y/n: Uh Yeah i guess

I wasn't really paying attention I was looking at through the window. Mirio caught my attention he was talking to a girl, I couldn't help but have this feeling of anger.


Y/n: Oh! Im s-sorry

Uraraka: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah Im fine *Smiles*

I look back to the window and saw the girl blushing while talking to him. I then saw her give him a letter with a heart sticker on it. I couldn't help but feel sad and angry at the same time.

Y/n: *Whispers* w-why do i feel this way.

Mirio open it and started to read it, I started to get a sad again but why. I should be happy for him right, I then saw him smiling that broke my heart. I got up from my seat and started to walk away.

Uraraka: (N/n) Where are you going.

I didn't say anything and just kept walking, I looked behind me to see Uraraka looking at the window and the girls looking confused. Then Uraraka looked at me and started to go after me. I

I was walking down the hallway and saw Mirio, Amajiki, and Nejire. They were all talking they all had smiles on their face well besides Amajiki. They didn't seem to notice me pass by.

Uraraka: (Y/n)! WAIT!

I looked behind me and saw Uraraka with a worried face. Then the others saw me, I just wanted to be alone and understand what's happening to me.

Mirio: HEY (Y/n)! HOW ARE Y-

I turned away and started to walk away I just hear Uraraka's foot steps and her apologizing to Mirio.
I ended up outside Uraraka right behind me. She grabbed my wrist and I just stopped and realized I was being childish.

Uraraka: (Y/n) what's wrong?

Y/n: I-I don't know

Uraraka: Why don't you tell me what happened?

Y/n: Well Mirio was talking to a girl and I felt angry for some reason then the girl gave him a love letter and I started to feel a bit sad then he smiled at her and well yeah

I looked away from her knowing this is really childish and stupid.

Uraraka: Tell me (N/n) how do you feel when your with Mirio? *Smiles*

Y/n: He makes me feel happy and he is someone I can always be with he makes me feel safe, he always makes me smile with his stupid jokes. It hurts me when he has to leave, I really love his cheesy smile I think it's really adorable. I always like staring into his eyes, I love when I'm with him I love when we hug, he makes me feel all giddy and my stomach starts to feel weird, but a good weird *Smiles*

Uraraka looked at me smiling like a idiot, I was confused then I realize what I just said. Do I no way maybe I do

Uraraka: (Y/n) you like him! you have a crush on him!!! *Smiles*

Y/n: W-What...

Uraraka: And you were getting jealous!!! *Giggles*


Uraraka: Whatever you say, you should tell him!

Y/n: H-He probably had a girlfriend already, I saw him smiling with that girl.

Uraraka: You didn't see the whole thing!! He rejected her, he was just being really nice about it.

I got a bit happy but should I? I mean what if he doesn't like me. I'll see who knows maybe he may but maybe he doesn't

Y/n: I can't believe I like him *Smiles*

I looked at Uraraka she just smiled at me and started to tease me about it.

Uraraka: Your first crush WOW! And it happens to be your childhood friend at that and he's CUTE!

Y/n: Yeah he is isn't he *Smiles*

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