That boy from San Fransokyo

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Ugh. No. No no no no no. This is not happening to me. This is not happening to me! But then again, she, UGH! why does this have to be do difficult?! I could create a robot and every little thing someone my age could never do! I defeated a man in a kabuki mask, I turned myself and my friends to superheroes, heck, I even created a new robot as a revision for the one that got destroyed all with a simple chip! So why can't I explain these things to myself?! It couldn't be that complicated, can't it?

"I am sensing depression and confusion." Baymax, my trusty robot and best friend, says monotonously, "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"

"I-. No, it's not depression." I answered, "I can't be depressed, right?"

"Scanning, initiated." Baymax declared

"What?! No, don't scan me."

"Scanning, complete."

I sighed. How do I even win in an argument with a robot?

"Results?" I asked, defeated

"Diagnosis, your heart's palcipitation is in a fast manner, too fast for your age and heating and temperature in the face region, specifically the cheeks, is quickly rising." I put my hands to my cheeks. Well it is hot. I turned to the mirror and saw the burning inferno that is my face.

"Stop, stop, stop." I covered my ears and buried my face to my pillow, "Please."

I sighed, removed my hands from my ears and rolled to the side, avoiding Baymax to see my tomato face.

"I wish Tadashi was still here." I muttered, only loud enough for me to hear

"Tadashi is here." Baymax answered

"You always say that, you know." I smirked lightly, looking back at him now that my face was barely red anymore

He stayed silent this time. I sighed once more, putting on my shoes which sat at the side of my bed. He pulled me in for a tight hug and slowly patted my head repeatedly, making robotic noises from his joints all the while.

"There, there." he said and I smiled up at him

He always knew how to make me atleast a little bit happier. And I guess, even if Tadashi wasn't here, Baymax would still be here. Sometimes I really do think that Tadashi was still here, what with Baymax acting like a big brother to me and all.

After he released me from the hug, I continued on tying my shoes.

"Where are you going?" he asked

"I'm going out for a walk. I need some fresh air." I responded

He tilted his head very lightly to the right.

"Your face is red and your temperature is rising," he repeated, "are you sick?"

I shook my head no, very quickly as to signal him to stop what he was doing next.

I stood up and started walking backwards, "Nope, no I'm fine. See? All better?"

The foot of the table was suddenly there and my own foot got caught in it, making me lose my balance and fall to the floor with a loud thud.

"Okay, now that, I would say, would be a seven." I groaned as I rubbed my elbows

He seemed alarmed by this, as if it was causing me some serious pain, "Pain detected, contacting friends."

My eyes widened, the first one on the list was

"Now contacting, Fred." I breathed out a sigh of relief

"Oh thank goodness it's not GoGo." I murmured

"Now contacting, GoGo." Curse me and my mouth!

"No, Baymax, d-!"

"Hiro? What happened? What's up?" I heard her voice and I immediately jumped behind the bed and hid, sticking my very small figure to the side and trying to manage my unruly black hair to not stick out above, "Hiro?"

"Hiro is in pain." Baymax said for me. Great. Thank you, Baymax. She seriously needed that.

"What pain? And where's Hiro, Baymax?" GoGo asked

"His heart's palcipitation is faster than normal and his temperature in the face region has risen. His emotional levels have also sky-rocketed in number." Baymax repeated

"Alright, so where is he?" I stayed silent and very, very still, almost to the point that I held my breath

Don't tell her. Don't tell her. Don't tell her.

"Behind the bed." Baymax answered

Of course he told her.

"Thank you, Baymax. Thank you very much." I muttered under my breath


"Oh hi-hi, GoGo. What's up?" I asked, trying to act all cool and obviously failing

"Baymax contacted me and not the other way around. So what's the pain issue this time? You sick with a fever?" she questioned

Oh I can just see that worried look over her face. Her brows furrowed in worry and her lips turned to a small frown, eyes just screaming to tell her what was wrong. So beautiful and majestic. STOP IT!

"Is the little baby sick in bed this time?" she snickered

Okay maybe not worried.

"No, not at all." Wow, I can still speak straight English! Score! "I was wondering, just wondering, do you happen to be in the lab? Like, right now?"

"Yep. I'm at the nerd lab."





"Honey Lemon?"

"No. Wait, are you just going to keep interrogating me with all these silly questions?"

"Fine." I sighed, but a smile lingered on my face, and it was pretty obvious that my face was heating up, again

"Scanning, initiated."

"What? Baymax don't even think about i-."

"Scanning, complete. Your emotional levels are going higher and your body temperature is rising. Diagnosis, teenage hormones."

"Thank you, Baymax." I repeated again, obvious irritation was clearly heard, while GoGo was... laughing at the other end of the line?

Wow that laugh. I could get used to that.

I fake laughed as to not make my situation very awkward. You know, standing in the middle of my room, listening as my best friend laughed at my face because of my brother's invention.

"So wanna come over to the lab?" she asked after finally taming her laughter, "As much as I hate to admit it, it's utterly boring in here without Wasabi or Fred or Honey Lemon or Tadashi or,"

She paused. We both did. It wasn't very often that GoGo got extremely emotional at things, even just a tiny bit emotionaly but here she was, accidentally spitting out the name of my deceased brother. I frowned and wilted a bit, sitting back on my bed. I hated when these things happen. I'm so super lucky right? Like, the luckiest guy in San Fransokyo? I mean, losing both my parents at the age of three and losing my one and only brother at the age of fourteen. What more luck can I have? Lose the only girl, that I've ever loved, at sixteen? Wait, no. Aunt Cass is my relative and I love her so, but please, I can't lose her too.

"I'm sorry, Hiro." I closed my eyes and opened them up again

"No, it's fine. I have to learn to live with it." I murmured, "Oh and by the way, I'm still coming over at the lab. See you in a few."

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