Home for me is where you are

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"What do you think, cousin? Would I be the perfect Hamada? Just imagine!" Yuki sighed dreamily, "Me wearing a long white gown, walking up the aisle to marry Hiro Hamada. It's perfect."

"You will never be a Hamada." GoGo gritted her teeth as she pinned her awfully calm cousin against the wall, one disc up her neck

"Why? You want to keep both of them for yourself? I can give you the Tadashi bot if you'd want." Yuki smirked, "That's what you want, right? You want Tadashi all for yourself that you forgot the one whose heart you broke. You forgot about Hiro and this is my time." Yuki glared at her cousin, "But this isn't about Hiro. It's about you. When you 'accidentally' die, I will be the only one left." she smirked, "Then when Hiro doesn't wake up anymore, and I win, there will only be three in your so called superhero group."

GoGo threw another disc at the Tadashi bot and it sliced through its head. The disc acted like a boomerang and connected to her left arm and the girl put it back to her boot.

"I've had enough of this." GoGo muttered, "First you create a robot that looks like our friend and you manage to almost kill his brother. This is enough, Kyuri!"

Yuki kicked GoGo at her stomach and GoGo was thrown backwards due to the force. The girl groaned in pain and sat down.

"I thought everything was alright." Yuki whispered, "But that's when you came in. You destroyed everything I had!" tears were brimming in her eyes as she slice her katana in the air, "And now I'm gonna destroy you!" She raised her katana and brought it down to GoGo's stomach but her arm, with the disc, was fast and covered the attack.

"Stop this, Kyuri! I didn't get everything you had, you still have everything!" GoGo responded, rolling to the right and standing up, "Aunt Cass run now."

The panic stricken woman ran as quick as she could outside. GoGo turned back to her cousin and held the blade of the katana which was about to slice her. GoGo yelled in pain as her hands were sliced deeply. Yuki forced the blade further while her cousin's yells got louder.

"Stop it!" GoGo yelled, now feeling a little bit lightheaded

There was a sound of a shutting door at the other side of the café. Yuki gasped and glared again at GoGo. Yuki pulled the bloody katana away from her cousin.

"Who is that?" she asked angrily

"I don't know." GoGo muttered as she laid her back against the wall

"Did your friends call the police?"

"They would never do that unless they want me to get caught." GoGo answered

"Whatever, let's finish this!" Yuki yelled and threw the knife to GoGo

The knife would have killed GoGo instantly by its target, the space between her eyes. But GoGo swore that there was a force that pushed her to the ground. Now she was super lightheaded. She looked up lightly, eyes drooping in exhaustion, and gasped at the sight. There, in front of her was Hiro Hamada, a smirk across his face and his arm crossed across his chest. He had this white glow around him and he looked like he was in peace. Then he looked to the right where his brother was coming from. Tadashi stood next to his brother and the older one raised his fist and the younger connected his own fist to his brother. GoGo blinked rapidly. She must have been dreaming or hallucinating. But there was this soft warmth and coldness surrounding her that made her feel protected. There sounded police sirens and Yuki could only gasp and figure out where to go. The place was surrounded by the cars in mere seconds. The Hamada brothers walked towards GoGo and Hiro kneeled down.

"Hey GoGo, thanks for saving aunt Cass." he whispered

"H-Hiro? Tadashi?" GoGo asked weakly

"Hi." Tadashi greeted meekly, "Now try to stand up and not fall asleep, you've lost an awful lot of blood."

GoGo nodded, still taken aback by the thought of the Hamada brothers in front of her. She sat down and the police officers got in the house. Hiro sat at GoGo's right and Tadashi at her left. She stared at the police blankly as they caught Yuki who was struggling and yelling.

"Why are you two here?" She whispered to the brothers

"Me, I don't know. Tadashi dragged me here." Hiro replied enthusiastically

"We're here to save you, GoGo." Tadashi answered, "Your mission's not done yet and you were going to get killed by Kyuri. I can't let that happen."

Tadashi hugged the girl but all she could feel was cold air surrounding her with an aura of warmth. GoGo started sobbing lightly.

"Don't cry." Tadashi murmured, "Don't you ever cry."

"But I miss you so much." she muttered between sobs

"I miss you too, GoGo. But some day, I promise you, you'll see me again. I'll be waiting." Tadashi comforted, "Now go on and leave. Get your wounds fixed and visit the others."

GoGo nodded. She wobbly stood up, the brothers watching her, and quickly fled from the scene.

GoGo sat next to the nurse in the clinic, her hand raised to the girl.

"Now what happened to you again?" The timid blonde nurse asked, patching up her left hand

"My baby cousin was playing with the knife." GoGo answered

"Well next time you should keep the utensils away from the children. Okay?" The nurse asked

The raven haired girl nodded slightly and stood up from the chair, giving the nurse a short and polite bow. She exited the clinic and went to the police station.

She stood in front of Yuki as the girl spat venomous words at her emotionless cousin.

"And you know what? You lost! There is no way Hiro will live and there is no way that you're going to complete your superhero group. You lost Tomago Leiko, you lost!"

There were days when GoGo would just want to ride her bike and speed off to who knows where, maybe stay there for an hour or two. This time was one of those days but she just felt deep down that there was someone waiting for her. She looked up at the dark night sky. It was nearing midnight and she had many guesses as to why Hiro was with his brother. And she hoped dearly that the most relevant answer was not the right one.

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