Tried to picture me without you but I can't

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GoGo removed her lips from Tadashi's but his hands were still cupping her cheeks. She furrowed her brows.

"I, I don't understand. Tadashi you know that your brother likes me but you-."

"He told me to take care of you." He cut her off

GoGo removed his hands from her face and shook her head.

"This is wrong." she ran a hand through her black hair

"No it's not." he held her hand

She looked up at him, giving him an uncertain glare.

"I don't know, I don't want to hurt Hiro, I've hurt him too much from rejection." she murmured

"GoGo, look," he gave her an understanding look, "Hiro wanted it to happen. He told me about what you felt towards me and wanted you to be happy and that was how he knew that you were going to be happy. Just, I'm just following Hiro. It's for the best."

GoGo gave a light nod.

"Okay. As long as it's for Hiro." She whispered and hugged Tadashi

I stand corrected, it wasn't the best birthday I ever had. It was at first but I hadn't moved on at all and I still love her and I can't replace her and-. Gah! Stop thinking about GoGo!

I furrowed my brows and glared at the thin air at the middle of my and my brother's room.

"There is an increase in your heart rate, the same with your blood pressure, the levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline." Baymax declared, "Are you feeling sick?"

I snapped out of my stupor and looked up at him.

"It's nothing, Baymax." I shook my head

"Shall I do a scan?"

"No no. No need. It's probably just jealousy."

"It is more likely to be anger. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your anger?"

I raised a brow. That was new. What's with all these new features?

"Probably a nine but it's fine." I shrugged

"There are no known cures for anger but letting go of the subject can cause a big effect on removing it." Baymax stated

"That's probably true but, I can't help but imagine what life would've been if she liked me back." I laid down on the bed, "I seriously need someone to talk to."

"Now contacting: Honey Lemon."

Yeah, that's alright.

Honey Lemon's face popped up on Baymax's and she seemed like she was just lying on her bed and preparing to go to sleep.

"What's the problem, Hiro?" she asked, my name in her undying Japanese accent

"Not much. But I need someone to talk to." I answered, "Baymax contacted you all of a sudden then we're talking."

"Oh," she nodded, "So what did you need someone to hear then?"

She put down the book in her hands and paid attention to me.

"Well I thought about earlier again," I started, "and I never seemed to move on, have I?"

"To tell you the truth, not an inch." she answered, "But that's love for you. You'd do anything for someone who doesn't love you back and in the end, you get hurt."

"True, true." I smiled up at her

I wouldn't mind having Honey Lemon all the time now. She's awesome and a perfect older sister. Even if she has that tinge of mad scientist in her.

"So what do you suggest I do?" I asked her

"Simple, eat ten pints of ice cream while watching old dramatic romance movies and crying a river for the whole week." She replied as if it was the most normal thing to do

"Uh, Honey Lemon?"


"I'm a guy."

"Oh, right. Well that's what girls do anyway." she shrugged

"Of course."

"So, I'm thinking about finding other girls to relieve the hole." She suggested

"Maybe. But," I ran a hand through my thick, unruly, hair, "But I'll just forget her, just like that?"

"Exactly. But the thing is, you're not forgetting her, you're forgetting about your *feelings for her. That's a totally different topic that we could talk about in another day." She nodded

"Thank you, Honey Lemon." I offered her a smile again, "What would I do without all you guys looking out for me?"

"If you're asking that, then the answer's probably bot fighting but-."

She chattered on and on but I muted out her words. Bot fighting. That'll work. It will *surely make me forget all about my feelings for GoGo when I'm playing. And I might as well start earning money again. I'm kinda low on that.

"Hiro? Earth to Hiro?"

"Oh, uh, yeah?" I shook my head rapidly

"As I was saying. There are so many things you could do without her. I mean you've gone through fourteen years of your life without loving someone who will hurt you, so why bother loving her that way?" She was almost, snapping?

"Are you keeping me away from GoGo or something?" I laughed lightly

"No! I'm keeping you away people who we will just fall to and leave us in mid air when they know that we love them! And they will just forget about us like nothing ever happened and keep you from moving on from them because they're just too perfect and we can't forget about them because we still love them and-."

"You seem so bitter about this stuff." I cut her off

She sighed and removed her glasses, "You wanna know what happened after GoGo and Tadashi stopped going out?"

I turned all my attention to her. What was left that she didn't tell me about?

"What happened?"

"*We became an item. *We dated, until the moment he, which we assumed, died."

Time stood still. What was Honey Lemon talking about?

"Wait, so I just forced my brother to love someone while he was in love with someone?!" I yelled, but not loud enough to start making Aunt Cass yelling back

"You forced him to what?"

"I didn't know! I'm sorry. I'll fix this and all of that,"


"But what, Honey Lemon?"

"He still doesn't remember."

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