I just-. What?!

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It was a half an hour later that I arrived at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. I walked up the steps and proceeded towards the reknowned nerd lab, all the while ruffling and taming my hair, making it at least a little bit combed properly, but things don't go the way we want and my hair is just too stubborn and uncooperative.

Surely, she was there, all alone, but not in the nerd lab, but in the cafeteria, sipping coffee, obviously trying to get through an all-nighter, and it wasn't her that I saw, actually, it's Honey Lemon.

"Hey Honey Lemon," I greeted as I proceeded the dimly lit room

"Oh Hiro, hi." she smiled up at me, trying with all her might, "What brings you here?"

"I was going to hang out with GoGo, you know, keep her company." I answered truthfully as I sat at the unoccupied seat in front of her, "And what are you doing here? Cramming for the finals?"

"Yes," she groaned, letting her cheery personality slip for the time being and let a tired-out Honey Lemon take over instead, "If Mr. Callaghan didn't try to burn the school, then maybe I wouldn't be repeating all of my hard work, because seriously, it took me months to do that."

"Well if you want, I can help you with your project." I offered. "There are bags under your bags saying that you need to be sleeping right now."

"Really? Thank you, a lot," she smiled then furrowed her brows and frowned again, "but aren't you going to need some sleep too?"

"Well GoGo's stubborn and will never agree to go home unless she's finished that project, so maybe I can at least finish a bit of yours while keeping her company." I explained

"Thanks again, Hiro," she turned back to her old self, the cheery Honey Lemon, "Oh, and use protection, will you?" My eyes widened like plates and blood rushed quickly to my face, covering it pure red, a very horrible one this time, "It's bad enough that there's finals and I'm pretty sure you can't handle a baby in your age."

"Wha-. Honey Lemon!"

She smirked and ran out of the cafeteria rapidly, but not as fast as GoGo does it.

I sighed, I'm pretty sure she's just messing with me. Well I hope so. But what if she wasn't?! What do I do? Is it that obvious?! Am I that obvious?! Does everyone know about it? Wait. What if GoGo knew about it?! Oh man I really screwed up this time! What if she doesn't feel the same way about me?! Or sees me as a brother instead? I don't want to be stuck in the brother-zone! No! I'm doomed! This is the end of Hiro Hamada, fourteen year old university student from San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, little brother of Tadashi Hamada, defeater of Yokai, part of the Big Hero 6, lover of-.

"What are you doing in the dark, blushing madly? You look like a tomato. A very ripe one at that." I turned around and saw her

It's really her this time. With her black hair with those awesome purple streaks, one furrowed brow and one raised, brown piercing eyes, purple-ish lips, pale complexion, black leather jacket, gray undershirt, slick black cycling shorts with matching black leggings. It's really her!

"GoGo, what a surprise!" I exclaimed, turning around, trying to calm down my blush but only worsening it to an extent that Baymax might have passed it as actual blood being perspired from my pores, "I didn't know you were here."

"You actually do know that I'm here." she said very slowly, as if I'm a child who doesn't understand much English yet, "You called me remember? A rate seven 'pain'? Ahem, puberty, ahem."

"Haha, very funny." I rolled my eyes but a playful smirk was on my face, "So what brings you here in the cafeteria? Aren't you, I don't know, cramming for the finals too?"

"Nope, GoGo Tomago does not cram for the finals, or anything at that." She shook her head no and sat where Honey Lemon formerly sat before she rushed out, "So Honey Lemon told me of leaving you in a blushing mess. Seriously, Hiro, you don't have a fever or anything?"

She put her right hand to my forehead, checking my temperature. This girl is the girl that is my Baymax the second. I mean, seriously, some Tadashi really did rub off on her.

"No, no fever." I answered, "Just a little... warm?"

"Uh-huh." she nodded slowly and squinted a little bit, probably because of the dark... I hope

"Hey Hiro," she started and sighed, giving up her squinted eyes and shook her head, "Nevermind. Let's go to the lab to finish early."

"You mean early in the morning? Okay, let's give it a go then."

We stood up from our seats and proceeded to the lab. Very quietly. The only sound I heard was the sounds of our feet patterings against the floor. I couldn't ever hear the non-stopping chewing of GoGo's gum. And it doesn't actually seem like she had a gum.


Okay so she has a gum, but that doesn't explain her non-talkativeness.

"GoGo?" she turned to me, "Do you have a problem or something? You don't normally get this quiet."

"I'm not a good conversationalist." she shrugged, "And besides, is there anything needed to be said?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

She sighed, "Fine. Hiro, I know that you're maturing already and experiencing... puberty, and all that, but don't you think you're too young for her?"

"For, for who?" I blushed again, really madly

Gosh she knows. She knows! My life is over!

"It's pretty obvious you know." she stated

My heart beat sounded like a thousand drums playing in my ears. In my ears!

"Tell me her name then." I challenged

Okay this is it. The real end of Hiro Hamada's life.

"Obviously it's-."

I pushed her to the ground to stop her from saying her name.

"What the-. Hiro Hamada you are so dead!" and I quickly ran to my brother's former lab, hoping that I could put a lock in every opening as fast as GoGo's running

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