We could be immortals, just not for long

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Guys! We're reaching a thousand reads! That's amazing! AND this is the most commented story I have, second to the most votes too! Let's do this!

I sometimes imagine what life would've been if I was the one she chose. Would we have dates in restaurants and movies or would we go go-karting or bicycling at the middle of the night? Would we have gotten our own apartment or would we build a house? Would we have gotten a fancy wedding, all our families and friends attending or a simple one, in which she can remove the long trail of her skirt just after the ceremony? Would we have a dozen little adrenaline junkie geniuses running around the house or would we settle with a few children, three or four? Those questions would've been oh so awesome to be answered. They would've been the best. No matter the answer was, we'd both be happy with it.

But that wasn't the situation now. This situation was more heart-breaking. More tear-jerking. For both of us.

I stood next to my brother in the front, at the aisle she would be walking down. In matter of seconds, my sanity could slip and I could ask Baymax to destroy all of these people. In a matter of seconds, GoGo Tomago will be walking down this aisle, and I had a decent seat, front only problem about this is, after seven years, I still hadn't moved on from her and she was marrying my brother. In a matter of seconds, she would be a Hamada, but not to my extension. To my brother's.

The same goes for Honey Lemon. We spent all those hours talking to each other. Day or night, we didn't care. We talked about our feelings, as much as girly it sounded, it felt good. She too, was still not moving on from Tadashi. And she too had a decent seat. Beside GoGo all the time, being her maid of honor. It killed us both to be here. We'd rather be sitting in her room or my room, crying it all out with a tub of ice cream and an old dramatic romance movie playing. It was a girl's thing to do but she was there when I needed the shoulder to cry on, it was just fair to have me as her shoulder.

The sound of the organ started. It was time. Would a distraction be better? Or would I just lengthen this thing and it would drag on and on for hours and it'd just kill us more? They knew how much we loved them! They knew! And they didn't care! They had each other and that was what mattered!

But I can't intervene. It's true love, I would've done the same.

It would have been perfect. Everything in my life would have been perfect. I could have had GoGo, Honey Lemon could have had Tadashi.

But fate didn't work that was. Life didn't work that way. Life was meant to give you wings and bring you to the top of the world then when you get there, it makes your wings vanish and you fall down to the ground. Then it beats you up all of a sudden and leaves you tattered and torn. Then people would come spit out horrible words at you and leave you out in the open to be killed. That's life.

But then, life's not about dreams or dreaming or sleeping. So I should probably get out of my dreamscape before I start screaming like I'm being brutally murdered by a giant blue duck wearing lederhosen stabbing me with peanuts.

I sat down on my bed and my eyes landed on Tadashi's sleeping figure. It was clearly too early for me to get up and when I looked at the clock beside me, it was confirmed.

"Five twenty." I groaned

This was a Monday morning! Classes don't start until ten on Mondays!

I just knew this week was bad from the start.

"Hey Hiro!" I entered the lab and was immediately greeted by GoGo, "You're early today. And where's Tadashi?"

Of course. Why would she confront me with something else?

"Tadashi's still at home, sleeping." I shrugged

Honey Lemon entered the room, holding a huge bag.

"Hiro, it's six thirty, what are you doing here?" She raised an eye brow

"I woke up too early and got bored." I shrugged, "I guess it's better than going to that super early bot fight across the street."

"That's great! Come on!" Honey Lemon dragged me to her booth

She opened the bag and placed a small dvd player and a small screen with it. She fished out two pints of ice cream and made me choose. Soon enough, she plugged in the dvd in the nearest socket and showed me all of the romance movies she was bringing.

"This is all your fault, you know." She muttered just before the first movie started

In an hour and a half later, Honey Lemon was a sobbing wreck and I was basically tearing up a little. Almost all of the people that were supposed to be in the lab were here, and they were all staring at us with questioning glares as they happen to pass by or when Honey Lemon officially burst into tears.

I lightly and awkwardly patted her head as she cried on my shoulder. That was the closest thing I knew about comforting a crying woman! How can girls be so complicated?!

"So, done watching?" Tadashi leaned on to the wall of Honey Lemon's booth

I quickly wiped away the tears in my eyes while Honey Lemon perked up at the sound of his voice and tried to get the redness away from her eyes.

"Just." I replied, "When did you get here?"

"Just a few minutes ago then I see the two of you watching some flick and Honey Lemon crying her head off. And judging by the ice cream," he paused, "Honey Lemon, you got out of a bad relationship?"

"I got out of a good one, actually." She answered, now facing the two of us, "He forgot about me. I think it was on purpose. Then he went back to the girl, the one whom he didn't work out with!"

I grabbed the pint of ice cream from her hands and patted her back lightly.

"I think you've had enough movies for the day." I said, "Don't you think, Tadashi?"

Tadashi sat next to Honey Lemon and held both of her hands tightly.

"That's enough, Honey Lemon." He smiled warmly at her

Honey Lemon stared back at him then nudged me with her left elbow. I nudged her back then she nudged me back. It went on and on until I got the message and fled from the situation.

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