What did you two REALLY do?

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Fred entered the lab and saw that his friends were occupied. They were all off doing whatever it was they were doing. He scooted over to GoGo and placed a small flat circular object on her table.

"I didn't know you create miniature versions of these." he pointed out GoGo looked at the object and furrowed her brows.

It was a small disc, just like the ones on her magnetic-levitation bicycle and the suit that Hiro made her. She looked over to Hiro and caught him staring at her with a confused and sad expression. GoGo rolled her eyes and went over to him, snapping him out of his stupor and handed him the disc.

"I believe this is yours." she said Hiro looked at the item on his palm.

It looked oddly familiar. Even the blood on the side of its blade.

"Uh, are you sure this isn't yours? Because I don't think that this is my blood." he showed it over to Baymax, "Baymax, could you scan this blood over here for me, buddy?"

"Scan complete." he stated after looking at the object, "After pairing it up with the blood samples that I have,"

"Blood samples?" Fred piped up

"It matches, one hundred percent, of GoGo Tomago." he finished

"Me?" GoGo questioned, "That can't be mine, I haven't seen that in my entire life."

Hiro raised an eyebrow and gestured to the scar on her left cheek using his face.

GoGo clicked her tongue, "Oh, right."

Then the puzzle pieces clicked in Hiro's brain.

"Baymax, scan it again. For fingerprints this time and try to match it to the culprit." Hiro ordered Baymax scanned it once more and declared his observations.

"Scanning, complete. There are several fingerprints on the object. It is of Fred, GoGo Tomago, Hiro Hamada and,"

And the last one was the one that shook all of their minds.

"How impossible exactly?" Honey Lemon asked GoGo and Hiro as they wore bored and obviously irritated expressions

"One hundred percent, Honey Lemon!" GoGo yelled exasperated

"Well what happened to his back?!" Fred questioned, "I mean look at that." he lifted up Hiro's juice-soaked shirt and the boy groaned

"What do you expect? I'm secretly a cat at night? Ask Mochi that instead!" GoGo answered

The three other young adults looked at each other then to Baymax.

Hiro's eyes went wide as he flailed his arms. "Stopstopstopstopstop!"

"Scanning, completed. Diagnosis, a human's hand fingers, apparently at the age of nineteen." GoGo heated up.

She was the only nineteen year old in their little group of friends.

"Oh come on! That doesn't mean that it's me! And besides, nothing really happened. If there is, what do you suggest it was?" GoGo cocked her hip

"Oh there are many posibilities actually. Like a make-out session or, you know," she opened her mouth to continue but GoGo already had a hand over her mouth

"One word and I'll ruin all your work." GoGo threatened then removed her hand from the other girl's mouth

"I was going to say a heated make-out session. What were you thinking, GoGo?" Honey Lemon teased

"Oh shut up."

But then Baymax told his opinion and saved GoGo from further humiliation.

"It is from a nineteen year old male."

"What?!" All four yelled

"Hiro are you gay?!" Fred asked, but more like yelled


"You can't be gay. You admitted that you loved me last night." GoGo piped up

It all got them silent once more.

"Okay, this is gonna sound weird but, it's either Hiro hooked up with a guy, or, GoGo is a transgender and managed to trick us all into thinking that she's a girl." Fred declared, "Then hooked up with Hiro."

"Why does scratches on the back technically makes me hook up with someone? And seriously? Aren't you four the ones who's supposed to make me avoid that, that icky and gross thing?!" Hiro questioned, "Are you really nerds or?"

"He's right." Wasabi finally said a word, "Honey Lemon, Fred, I think we should go now and leave them to their own businesses." he added very very slowly

"Why? Why do we have to-. Oof!" Honey Lemon elbowed Fred's stomach

"Yeah. You're totally right. Well, we need to go!" Honey Lemon exclaimed, the same tone of voice as Wasabi's Once the two were alone with Baymax.

GoGo eyed Hiro from head to toe then turned around crossing her arms.

"Baymax, I am satisfied with my care."

Baymax deactivated then GoGo piped up.

"So why did Tadashi's fingerprints appear as one of the people who touched the disc?" She asked, still not looking back

"I don't know." Hiro mumbled

She turned around and faced the boy, anger shown in her face, "How can you track a dead man's fingerprints on a new item that was invented long after his death?" She continued

"I don't know too, GoGo."

"Don't 'I don't know too, GoGo' me! Hiro Hamada, you know where your brother is and you tell me right now or I swear I will-."

"Hiro, you're alone. Thank goodness. I need to talk to you."

Both of them gasped and turned around sharply. There was Tadashi Hamada, climbing down from a high window, back faced towards them. He fell to the ground, flat on his feet then turned around to see their mouths hanged open.

"Tadashi, you're alive!"

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