A nightmare dressed like a daydream

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I walked down the stairs of my small home. It was smelling of bacon and pancakes and hot chocolate, freshly cooked. The perfect way to wake up from a nightmare.

"Good morning." there was that voice, the voice I knew that I wouldn't get tired of

A sweet voice of a female, not very tough and not very mellow, just balanced. Perfect.

I ruffled my dark black hair and smiled weakly. It was always like this. Life always gave me a break when I got home from all the hard work and deadlines. I was lucky enough to have a trusty robot by my side, but a girl to share my forever with? It was so surreal that sometimes I think that it was all too good to be true, but it was.

I walked towards the kitchen and saw the black-headed girl cooking. The kitchen was a small mess, but nothing we couldn't manage. I wrapped my arms from her back to her waist and buried my face in her hair.

"Good morning." I whispered to her, "And happy anniversary."

"Hiro, you're too sweet, it makes me gag." she laughed lightly

"But I love you so much, GoGo." I pouted, burying my face to her nape

"Aw, are you pouting big baby boo?" she asked playfully and turned around

"Haha, very funny." I fake laughed, "So, what plans do we have for our anniversary?"

"Anything but liquor. Our little baby needs all the nutrition he could get." GoGo answered

I looked down her swollen belly. I smiled at her once more and touched my lips with hers, my arms still wrapped tightly around her waist and her arms wrapped around my shoulders. We stayed like that for a few minutes and when we pulled away, we rested our foreheads against each other's.

"I love you, GoGo." I whispered to her

She frowned, "I'm sorry, Hiro. I love your brother, Tadashi."

And I jolted awake. My eyes was as wide as plate. Even in dreams she was haunting me. She really is a nightmare dressed like a daydream. I heard shuffling in my room. Wait, shuffling?!

"Are you awake yet, Hiro?" Aunt Cass called, but the voice sounded too far to be in my room

I heard a gasp. It was a gasp of a male. Who in the world is in my room?!

"Who are-." I started sitting up when a hand covered my face

I tried to yell but only a muffled sound came from my mouth.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" but Baymax couldn't hear me and stayed deactivated

"Hiro, Hiro. Shh." the man said

I knew that voice. He started removing the black mask covering his face. That face. That hair. Those eyes, nose, lips, everything. He removed his hand from my mouth once he saw my reaction.

I gasped. This was not happening.

That morning, the rest of the Big Hero 6 went over to the lab to finalize their projects. They were as excited as ever to showcase their inventions, just like last year, but this year, there was no Tadashi, only his living fifteen year old brother to take his place.

"Good morning, Wasabi." Honey Lemon greeted as she walked passed him

"Good morning, Honey Lemon." Wasabi replied without looking up at the girl

"Good morning, Fred." She smiled as she looked at the boy who was forever reading his magazine

He gave her a weak nod, being so focused on reading and all.

Then she finally went over to the last one.

"Good morning, GoGo." she said, actually stopping by

"What's so great about it?" GoGo mumbled

"Sorry, what was that?" Honey Lemon asked

"Nothing." GoGo let out a huge sigh

"Oh, okay." Honey Lemon smirked

GoGo looked at her smirk, rolled her eyes then went back to fixing her bike.

"No, Honey Lemon, nothing happened last night when we were alone." GoGo groaned, she just knew her friend would ask that, "Well except for the small fight."

"Small fight?" Honey Lemon raised one eyebrow then hurriedly sat down on the nearest chair

Knowing Honey Lemon, GoGo just knew that she should not have said that. She would just pry her open and make her tell the truth.

"Honey Lemon, I'm busy. Don't you have something to finish?" GoGo intervened

"Nope. Hiro finished it all last night." she answered, "Wait, Hiro. I completely forgot. Where is he?"

GoGo's back straightened up at the sound of his name and she quickly tensed up.

"Yikes. You haven't been like that since Tadashi-."

"Nothing happened last night! We just went to an open diner at two am and had small talk," she trailed off, "that ended in a short bicker. But I am not responsible for him not being here right now!"

Everyone was looking at GoGo. Honey Lemon stared with a slightly frightened expression, Wasabi peeked out from his place, even Fred stopped reading his comic book. Time stood to a standstill as they all stared at their friend.

"Who's responsible for who not being here right now?" They all turned to the doorway

There stood Hiro Hamada and Baymax. He looked like he rested enough but there was something that surely flabbergasted him. He looked as if he had a pest on his shoulder that never seemed to go away.

"Hiro," That was all Honey Lemon could say, actually, that was all that they could say

The expression of shock was obvious on Hiro's face, and they did not know whether to point it out or not.

GoGo was the first one to move. And by move, she walked backwards and stumbled onto a littered toolbox on the floor. Her back fell against the floor and she groaned.

"Ow." GoGo winced

"I heard the sound of distress. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax activated

"Wait," GoGo started, "why am I his patient all of a sudden?" she looked at Hiro for an answer

"I don't," he paused, "I don't know. I don't think Tadashi programmed him for many patients at once. And I didn't give him a new chip for that or reprogrammed Tadashi's chip for him."

"So why is he-. Nevermind. I need to finish this."

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