Game over, Hamada

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Hi to the Filipinos~ I see that you've figured out how many we are here x3

It was a starry sky outside, picture perfect. With the light breeze to give your hair a slight movement and the darkness was enough, not too dark and everything stood in place perfectly.

Meanwhile, GoGo was walking through the park, a shortcut to her house, when suddenly, a pair of large hands wrapped her hands with rope and another, more slender fingers, tied a blindfold to her eyes. She struggled but there was too much force from those people. Soon enough, they started walking, GoGo, though not visibly shaking, was still scared as to what would happen to her.

Heat was being emanated from something near her and soft light was piercing through the fabric of the blindfold. She felt the blindfold being withdrawn from her face and she was awestruck with the view.

It was Tadashi in front of her and Wasabi and Honey Lemon were removing the rope and blindfold.

"What's all this?" She asked, gesturing to the lights and her friends

"This." Tadashi bent down on one knee and showed her a ring, "GoGo Tomago I know that we've just been in a relationship for three months but I really want to spend eternity with you. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Honey Lemon covered Hiro's ears and turned him around, wrapping him in a tight embrace.

"Yes." GoGo whispered and helped Tadashi up

Tadashi, with shaking fingers, put the ring in GoGo's left ring finger.

"Yes Tadashi I will marry you."

Okay now that this story's done and all, I should go back to the drawing board and-. Hey close your mouths! Do you know how many insects can enter that mouth?! Noow close it! CLOSE it I tell you. Now breath and repeat after me, "This is Hirogo." Again. Again. Again. Okay now read the actual story now~

Days passed after that night. And the days turned into weeks and weeks turned to months. It was approximately three months by then. Three months that GoGo and Tadashi had been boyfriend and girlfriend. Three months that Honey Lemon had started combining combustible chemicals together and often creating unstable chemical reactions. Three months that Wasabi and Fred had been lost to what their little group has become. And three months that Hiro has come back to his former obsession.

Night after night he would go out of the house and go to a different place to fight people. He would win each night and gain lots of money from it all. His main purpose for ever starting up again playing, which was to move on from GoGo, was successful. He moved on from her roughly a month after he started. But that was what destroyed him with the others. He spent less and less time in the lab an more time finding a new place to act innocent and win all the money of the grand champion from the place. He even went as far as going to the next city. Due to his less time in the lab, he spent less time with his friends, often talking to them only once or twice to greet them 'hello' and 'goodbye'. His platonic relationship with Honey Lemon burst onto flames, just like her newly developed chem balls. His closeness to GoGo was removed for neither of the two had time for each other. Hiro had bot fighting and GoGo had Tadashi.

Now Tadashi, he was a different story. He almost did not acknowledge his brother's presence. They had their own, separate lives. Though they ate dinner at the same time and place and still shared the same room, the atmosphere between the two brothers could never be the same. It was as if they molded their own lives away from each other.

And no one saw it coming.

"Night, Tadashi." I recited, just like what happened in the former months

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