If we meet forever now

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GoGo had waited for this for forever. After she and Tadashi first dated, they both agreed that it was just a petty crush. And it was. But due to the course of the time, when she got closer and closer to him, she realized that he was not just some guy you would want to be friends with. He was someone you would want to love with all your heart. And she did not know of Honey Lemon and Tadashi's relationship. Her mind and heart made sure that he was free. Then he died. She mourned but she never showed it in front of her face. And now he was back. And he knew that she liked him. And he was doing something about it.

"Are you sure that you like me?" Tadashi smirked

It was lunch break and the other four were buying their lunch and the two were assigned to save the table. GoGo laughed at Tadashi's question.

"Is that rhetorical?" She questioned, "I don't actually know too."

"Well you've been showing off more emotion than usual so I'm guessing that I'm doing something right." he murmured

"But seriously Tadashi, it's great that you're back."

"What would you have done if I didn't?" she frowned at the question

That day would come again. It would surely come again. But it was not the right time to worry about it.

"I don't care about that. All I know is that you're here." she smiled, "That's all I need."

Tadashi wrapped GoGo in a tight hug and the girl was contented with resting her head on his shoulder. This was reality now. And she would never want anything more to ruin it.

"Are you really sure that you like me?" he repeated

She just giggled and answered, "Never."

He raised a brow.

"I love you, Tadashi." she whispered to his ear

He smiled and whispered, "I love you too, GoGo."

He grabbed her cheek and slowly, slowly pulled her closer. When she was a centimeter or so away from his lips, she looked up at his eyes, smiled, and closed the gap between them.

"Look at them." Honey Lemon started

I looked where she was looking at and saw them hugging. I just knew it. I had to move on and forget all this nonsense. Then I heard snickers and muffled sobs. When I looked back at them, they were kissing already. A slender hand wrapped its fingers around my left wrist and when I looked up, I saw Honey Lemon with a handkerchief to her face.

"No, Honey Lemon." I muttered and led her to the nearest exit

"Where are Hiro and Honey Lemon?" Tadashi asked as Fred and Wasabi proceeded to their table

"They went out about fifteen minutes ago." Wasabi answered

GoGo stood up from her seat and marched out of the room. "What's happening?" Fred asked

"It hurts so so much." Honey Lemon cried, "I, I never knew how this actually felt! It hurts too much, Hiro!"

"You need to relieve the pain, Honey Lemon. Find a way that will make you forget." I stated, "Do you want to go throw chem balls at nothing in particular?"

Honey Lemon chuckled lightly, "You're really not good in comforting people."

I shrugged, "I try."

"Hiro, we need to talk." GoGo sat next to me by the end of that day

She went over to my booth at the lab and confronted me the second time that day.

"Yeah?" I asked, tinkering with the small black robot in front of me

"Why are you and Honey Lemon avoiding me?" she asked

I shook my head and laughed lightly, "What made you think that?"

"Well you're not talking to me like usual and Honey Lemon's been crying too much this day. What's wrong?" she tilted her head to the right slightly

"No, nothing's wrong. She just got out of a relationship." I lied

"What happened? And," she crinkled her nose, "I didn't know she was in a relationship."

"Well she is." I told her

"So what gives? I thought you and I were siblings again?" She placed a hand on my shoulder, "Look, I know that I'm not the greatest conversionalist in the world but I know when someone's lying. Hiro, why are you avoiding me?"

"I know what you're thinking," I tried to calm myself down, "No, I'm not avoiding you. In fact, I was just going to go over your booth and tell you good night once I'm done with this." I gestured to the robot

"Well fine, Hiro." she murmured, "But just remember, I will never forgive myself if anything goes wrong between us."

She walked away and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. She can be really terrifying at times but when she doesn't notice it, she becomes really concerned. Oh GoGo, you're giving me one too many reasons to love you.

I sat in front on my computer in the room. It was late night, the perfect time. Tadashi entered the room and I quickly closed the tab with the bot fighting schedules for tonight and switched to my draft for Baymax's new thrusters.

"Hiro, it's late, why are you still up?" Tadashi asked

"Honey Lemon wanted some help with her chem balls and I'm going out tonight because of that." I answered like a good little boy

"Oh okay," he muttered, "Just be back before the sun goes up or before Aunt Cass eats everything in the café."

I nodded and exited the house, my new robot invention in my right hoodie pocket, the money in the left. And I was set to go to another bot fight.

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